The registry scan function exited early if no Java Development Key was found. This has been corrected by redoing the exit checks.
Social media buttons now lose focus after they are clicked to prevent a sticky appearance.
Changed the load spinner to have the text rotate within the center image.
Added News UI and implemented functionality.
Removed westeroscraft.xml as we don't need to cache it.
Updated westeroscraft.json.
Updated Electron to v2.0.0
The server list is now dynamically generated based on the servers listed in the distribution index. Also, moved to event.key for key bindings as event.keyCode is deprecated.
Added warning message when console is opened, this is in preparation for alpha.
Added a new background image. Restored random backgrounds on launch (for now).
Changed the overlay dismiss/cancel buttons from anchors to buttons.
Moved landing.ejs specific scripts to a dedicated file. General cleanup for other script files. Need to examine the remaining code in actionbinder.js to determine the most logical place for it.