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const fs = require('fs')
const mkpath = require('mkdirp')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const uuidV4 = require('uuid/v4')
function resolveMaxRAM(){
const mem = os.totalmem()
return mem >= 8000000000 ? '4G' : (mem >= 6000000000 ? '3G' : '2G')
* Three types of values:
* Static = Explicitly declared.
* Dynamic = Calculated by a private function.
* Resolved = Resolved externally, defaults to null.
settings: {
java: {
minRAM: '2G',
maxRAM: resolveMaxRAM(), // Dynamic
executable: 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_152\\bin\\javaw.exe', // TODO Resolve
jvmOptions: [
game: {
directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'target', 'test', 'mcfiles'),
resWidth: 1280,
resHeight: 720,
fullscreen: false,
autoConnect: true
launcher: {
clientToken: uuidV4(),
selectedServer: null, // Resolved
selectedAccount: null,
authenticationDatabase: [],
discord: {
clientID: 385581240906022916
let config = null;
// Persistance Utility Functions
* Save the current configuration to a file.
exports.save = function(){
const filePath = path.join(config.settings.game.directory, 'config.json')
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4), 'UTF-8')
* Load the configuration into memory. If a configuration file exists,
* that will be read and saved. Otherwise, a default configuration will
* be generated. Note that "resolved" values default to null and will
* need to be externally assigned.
exports.load = function(){
// Determine the effective configuration.
const EFFECTIVE_CONFIG = config == null ? DEFAULT_CONFIG : config
const filePath = path.join(EFFECTIVE_CONFIG.settings.game.directory, 'config.json')
// Create all parent directories.
mkpath.sync(path.join(filePath, '..'))
} else {
config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'UTF-8'))
// System Settings (Unconfigurable on UI)
* Retrieve the launcher's Client Token.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the launcher's Client Token.
exports.getClientToken = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.clientToken : DEFAULT_CONFIG.clientToken
* Set the launcher's Client Token.
* @param {String} clientToken - the launcher's new Client Token.
exports.setClientToken = function(clientToken){
config.clientToken = clientToken
* Retrieve the ID of the selected serverpack.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the ID of the selected serverpack.
exports.getSelectedServer = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.selectedServer : DEFAULT_CONFIG.clientToken
* Set the ID of the selected serverpack.
* @param {String} serverID - the ID of the new selected serverpack.
exports.setSelectedServer = function(serverID){
config.selectedServer = serverID
//TODO Write Authentication Database/Selected Account accessors here
* Retrieve the launcher's Discord Client ID.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the launcher's Discord Client ID.
exports.getDiscordClientID = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.discord.clientID : DEFAULT_CONFIG.discord.clientID
* Set the launcher's Discord Client ID.
* @param {String} clientID - the launcher's new Discord Client ID.
exports.setDiscordClientID = function(clientID){
config.discord.clientID = clientID
// User Configurable Settings
// Java Settings
* Retrieve the minimum amount of memory for JVM initialization. This value
* contains the units of memory. For example, '5G' = 5 GigaBytes, '1024M' =
* 1024 MegaBytes, etc.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the minimum amount of memory for JVM initialization.
exports.getMinRAM = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.java.minRAM : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.java.minRAM
* Set the minimum amount of memory for JVM initialization. This value should
* contain the units of memory. For example, '5G' = 5 GigaBytes, '1024M' =
* 1024 MegaBytes, etc.
* @param {String} minRAM - the new minimum amount of memory for JVM initialization.
exports.setMinRAM = function(minRAM){
config.settings.java.minRAM = minRAM
* Retrieve the maximum amount of memory for JVM initialization. This value
* contains the units of memory. For example, '5G' = 5 GigaBytes, '1024M' =
* 1024 MegaBytes, etc.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the maximum amount of memory for JVM initialization.
exports.getMaxRAM = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.java.maxRAM : resolveMaxRAM()
* Set the maximum amount of memory for JVM initialization. This value should
* contain the units of memory. For example, '5G' = 5 GigaBytes, '1024M' =
* 1024 MegaBytes, etc.
* @param {String} maxRAM - the new maximum amount of memory for JVM initialization.
exports.setMaxRAM = function(maxRAM){
config.settings.java.maxRAM = maxRAM
* Retrieve the path of the Java Executable.
* This is a resolved configuration value and defaults to null until externally assigned.
* @returns {String} - the path of the Java Executable.
exports.getJavaExecutable = function(){
return config.settings.java.executable
* Set the path of the Java Executable.
* @param {String} executable - the new path of the Java Executable.
exports.setJavaExecutable = function(executable){
config.settings.java.executable = executable
* Retrieve the additional arguments for JVM initialization. Required arguments,
* such as memory allocation, will be dynamically resolved and will not be included
* in this value.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {Array.<String>} - an array of the additional arguments for JVM initialization.
exports.getJVMOptions = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.java.jvmOptions : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.java.jvmOptions
* Set the additional arguments for JVM initialization. Required arguments,
* such as memory allocation, will be dynamically resolved and should not be
* included in this value.
* @param {Array.<String>} jvmOptions - an array of the new additional arguments for JVM
* initialization.
exports.setJVMOptions = function(jvmOptions){
config.settings.java.jvmOptions = jvmOptions
// Game Settings
* Retrieve the absolute path of the game directory.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {String} - the absolute path of the game directory.
exports.getGameDirectory = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.game.directory : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.game.directory
* Set the absolute path of the game directory.
* @param {String} directory - the absolute path of the new game directory.
exports.setGameDirectory = function(directory){
config.settings.game.directory = directory
* Retrieve the width of the game window.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {Number} - the width of the game window.
exports.getGameWidth = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.game.resWidth : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.game.resWidth
* Set the width of the game window.
* @param {Number} resWidth - the new width of the game window.
exports.setGameWidth = function(resWidth){
config.settings.game.resWidth = resWidth
* Retrieve the height of the game window.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {Number} - the height of the game window.
exports.getGameHeight = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.game.resHeight : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.game.resHeight
* Set the height of the game window.
* @param {Number} resHeight - the new height of the game window.
exports.setGameHeight = function(resHeight){
config.settings.game.resHeight = resHeight
* Check if the game should be launched in fullscreen mode.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {Boolean} - whether or not the game is set to launch in fullscreen mode.
exports.isFullscreen = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.game.fullscreen : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.game.fullscreen
* Change the status of if the game should be launched in fullscreen mode.
* @param {Boolean} fullscreen - whether or not the game should launch in fullscreen mode.
exports.setFullscreen = function(fullscreen){
config.settings.game.fullscreen = fullscreen
* Check if the game should auto connect to servers.
* @param {Boolean} def - optional. If true, the default value will be returned.
* @returns {Boolean} - whether or not the game should auto connect to servers.
exports.isAutoConnect = function(def = false){
return !def ? config.settings.game.autoConnect : DEFAULT_CONFIG.settings.game.autoConnect
* Change the status of whether or not the game should auto connect to servers.
* @param {Boolean} autoConnect - whether or not the game should auto connect to servers.
exports.setAutoConnect = function(autoConnect){
config.settings.game.autoConnect = autoConnect