• Joined on 2020-03-01
Jonttu synced commits to feature/1.17 at Jonttu/HeliosLauncher from mirror 2022-05-21 12:25:48 -07:00
9b228cf717 Add version.jar to cp until 1.17.
ca28e8ba90 Patches to get 1.17 working, need to revise into real solutions.
0a80a3b073 Dependency upgrade.
f6f8a7ed3c Add version.jar to cp until 1.17.
168b4431ae Patches to get 1.17 working, need to revise into real solutions.
Compare 5 commits »
Jonttu synced commits to master at Jonttu/HeliosLauncher from mirror 2022-05-21 12:25:48 -07:00
0a80a3b073 Dependency upgrade.
Jonttu released FlexConnect initial release at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 08:24:41 -07:00
Jonttu pushed tag 05052020 to FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 08:24:37 -07:00
Jonttu deleted tag 05052020 from FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 08:24:22 -07:00
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 08:21:29 -07:00
3db153e360 Automatic DroneCI build changes
Jonttu released FlexConnect initial release at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:42:17 -07:00
Jonttu pushed tag 05052020 to FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:42:14 -07:00
Jonttu deleted tag 05052020 from FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:40:03 -07:00
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:39:41 -07:00
f04e66a883 Fix DroneCI release file upload
Jonttu released FlexConnect initial release at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:36:10 -07:00
Jonttu pushed tag 05052020 to FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:36:07 -07:00
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-05 07:32:39 -07:00
e615d7eb49 Add DroneCI build
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-04 02:55:59 -07:00
b078a154f3 Update whitelist when server is started
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-05-02 10:15:34 -07:00
97c6556d2a Integrate minecraft server whitelist to FlexPlex API
Jonttu pushed to master at FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-04-30 14:52:18 -07:00
f3ee582969 Create FlexConnect project
Jonttu created branch master in FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-04-30 14:52:16 -07:00
Jonttu created repository FlexPlex/FlexConnect 2022-04-30 14:49:17 -07:00
Jonttu synced commits to feature/1.17 at Jonttu/HeliosLauncher from mirror 2022-04-03 21:05:48 -07:00
f6f8a7ed3c Add version.jar to cp until 1.17.
168b4431ae Patches to get 1.17 working, need to revise into real solutions.
ee61ea4979 Improve handling of JVM arguments on the settings view.
4e2c9ce3ec Set user type to msa for msft accounts.
0bc74d9c66 Electron 18.
Compare 16 commits »
Jonttu synced commits to master at Jonttu/HeliosLauncher from mirror 2022-04-03 21:05:48 -07:00
ee61ea4979 Improve handling of JVM arguments on the settings view.
4e2c9ce3ec Set user type to msa for msft accounts.
0bc74d9c66 Electron 18.
Compare 3 commits »