Daniel Scalzi 430e840514
Update JDK handling to account for AdoptOpenJDK migration to Adoptium.
Fix bug with AdmZip by replacing it for the jdk extraction task. It will have to eventually be replaced for everything else.
Remove disclaimer about Oracle JDK, as it is no longer used.
2021-10-14 23:17:40 -04:00

1941 lines
71 KiB

// Requirements
const AdmZip = require('adm-zip')
const async = require('async')
const child_process = require('child_process')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip')
const path = require('path')
const Registry = require('winreg')
const request = require('request')
const tar = require('tar-fs')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const ConfigManager = require('./configmanager')
const DistroManager = require('./distromanager')
const isDev = require('./isdev')
// Constants
// const PLATFORM_MAP = {
// win32: '-windows-x64.tar.gz',
// darwin: '-macosx-x64.tar.gz',
// linux: '-linux-x64.tar.gz'
// }
// Classes
/** Class representing a base asset. */
class Asset {
* Create an asset.
* @param {any} id The id of the asset.
* @param {string} hash The hash value of the asset.
* @param {number} size The size in bytes of the asset.
* @param {string} from The url where the asset can be found.
* @param {string} to The absolute local file path of the asset.
constructor(id, hash, size, from, to){
this.id = id
this.hash = hash
this.size = size
this.from = from
this.to = to
/** Class representing a mojang library. */
class Library extends Asset {
* Converts the process.platform OS names to match mojang's OS names.
static mojangFriendlyOS(){
const opSys = process.platform
if (opSys === 'darwin') {
return 'osx'
} else if (opSys === 'win32'){
return 'windows'
} else if (opSys === 'linux'){
return 'linux'
} else {
return 'unknown_os'
* Checks whether or not a library is valid for download on a particular OS, following
* the rule format specified in the mojang version data index. If the allow property has
* an OS specified, then the library can ONLY be downloaded on that OS. If the disallow
* property has instead specified an OS, the library can be downloaded on any OS EXCLUDING
* the one specified.
* If the rules are undefined, the natives property will be checked for a matching entry
* for the current OS.
* @param {Array.<Object>} rules The Library's download rules.
* @param {Object} natives The Library's natives object.
* @returns {boolean} True if the Library follows the specified rules, otherwise false.
static validateRules(rules, natives){
if(rules == null) {
if(natives == null) {
return true
} else {
return natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()] != null
for(let rule of rules){
const action = rule.action
const osProp = rule.os
if(action != null && osProp != null){
const osName = osProp.name
const osMoj = Library.mojangFriendlyOS()
if(action === 'allow'){
return osName === osMoj
} else if(action === 'disallow'){
return osName !== osMoj
return true
class DistroModule extends Asset {
* Create a DistroModule. This is for processing,
* not equivalent to the module objects in the
* distro index.
* @param {any} id The id of the asset.
* @param {string} hash The hash value of the asset.
* @param {number} size The size in bytes of the asset.
* @param {string} from The url where the asset can be found.
* @param {string} to The absolute local file path of the asset.
* @param {string} type The the module type.
constructor(id, hash, size, from, to, type){
super(id, hash, size, from, to)
this.type = type
* Class representing a download tracker. This is used to store meta data
* about a download queue, including the queue itself.
class DLTracker {
* Create a DLTracker
* @param {Array.<Asset>} dlqueue An array containing assets queued for download.
* @param {number} dlsize The combined size of each asset in the download queue array.
* @param {function(Asset)} callback Optional callback which is called when an asset finishes downloading.
constructor(dlqueue, dlsize, callback = null){
this.dlqueue = dlqueue
this.dlsize = dlsize
this.callback = callback
class Util {
* Returns true if the actual version is greater than
* or equal to the desired version.
* @param {string} desired The desired version.
* @param {string} actual The actual version.
static mcVersionAtLeast(desired, actual){
const des = desired.split('.')
const act = actual.split('.')
for(let i=0; i<des.length; i++){
if(!(parseInt(act[i]) >= parseInt(des[i]))){
return false
return true
static isForgeGradle3(mcVersion, forgeVersion) {
if(Util.mcVersionAtLeast('1.13', mcVersion)) {
return true
try {
const forgeVer = forgeVersion.split('-')[1]
const maxFG2 = [14, 23, 5, 2847]
const verSplit = forgeVer.split('.').map(v => Number(v))
for(let i=0; i<maxFG2.length; i++) {
if(verSplit[i] > maxFG2[i]) {
return true
} else if(verSplit[i] < maxFG2[i]) {
return false
return false
} catch(err) {
throw new Error('Forge version is complex (changed).. launcher requires a patch.')
static isAutoconnectBroken(forgeVersion) {
const minWorking = [31, 2, 15]
const verSplit = forgeVersion.split('.').map(v => Number(v))
if(verSplit[0] === 31) {
for(let i=0; i<minWorking.length; i++) {
if(verSplit[i] > minWorking[i]) {
return false
} else if(verSplit[i] < minWorking[i]) {
return true
return false
class JavaGuard extends EventEmitter {
this.mcVersion = mcVersion
* @typedef OpenJDKData
* @property {string} uri The base uri of the JRE.
* @property {number} size The size of the download.
* @property {string} name The name of the artifact.
* Fetch the last open JDK binary.
* HOTFIX: Uses Corretto 8 for macOS.
* See: https://github.com/dscalzi/HeliosLauncher/issues/70
* See: https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-support/issues/101
* @param {string} major The major version of Java to fetch.
* @returns {Promise.<OpenJDKData>} Promise which resolved to an object containing the JRE download data.
static _latestOpenJDK(major = '8'){
if(process.platform === 'darwin') {
return this._latestCorretto(major)
} else {
return this._latestAdoptium(major)
static _latestAdoptium(major) {
const majorNum = Number(major)
const sanitizedOS = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : (process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'mac' : process.platform)
const url = `https://api.adoptium.net/v3/assets/latest/${major}/hotspot?vendor=eclipse`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request({url, json: true}, (err, resp, body) => {
if(!err && body.length > 0){
const targetBinary = body.find(entry => {
return entry.version.major === majorNum
&& entry.binary.os === sanitizedOS
&& entry.binary.image_type === 'jdk'
&& entry.binary.architecture === 'x64'
if(targetBinary != null) {
uri: targetBinary.binary.package.link,
size: targetBinary.binary.package.size,
name: targetBinary.binary.package.name
} else {
} else {
static _latestCorretto(major) {
let sanitizedOS, ext
switch(process.platform) {
case 'win32':
sanitizedOS = 'windows'
ext = 'zip'
case 'darwin':
sanitizedOS = 'macos'
ext = 'tar.gz'
case 'linux':
sanitizedOS = 'linux'
ext = 'tar.gz'
sanitizedOS = process.platform
ext = 'tar.gz'
const url = `https://corretto.aws/downloads/latest/amazon-corretto-${major}-x64-${sanitizedOS}-jdk.${ext}`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.head({url, json: true}, (err, resp) => {
if(!err && resp.statusCode === 200){
uri: url,
size: parseInt(resp.headers['content-length']),
name: url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
} else {
* Returns the path of the OS-specific executable for the given Java
* installation. Supported OS's are win32, darwin, linux.
* @param {string} rootDir The root directory of the Java installation.
* @returns {string} The path to the Java executable.
static javaExecFromRoot(rootDir){
if(process.platform === 'win32'){
return path.join(rootDir, 'bin', 'javaw.exe')
} else if(process.platform === 'darwin'){
return path.join(rootDir, 'Contents', 'Home', 'bin', 'java')
} else if(process.platform === 'linux'){
return path.join(rootDir, 'bin', 'java')
return rootDir
* Check to see if the given path points to a Java executable.
* @param {string} pth The path to check against.
* @returns {boolean} True if the path points to a Java executable, otherwise false.
static isJavaExecPath(pth){
if(process.platform === 'win32'){
return pth.endsWith(path.join('bin', 'javaw.exe'))
} else if(process.platform === 'darwin'){
return pth.endsWith(path.join('bin', 'java'))
} else if(process.platform === 'linux'){
return pth.endsWith(path.join('bin', 'java'))
return false
* Load Mojang's launcher.json file.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} Promise which resolves to Mojang's launcher.json object.
static loadMojangLauncherData(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.get('https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/launcher.json', (err, resp, body) => {
} else {
* Parses a **full** Java Runtime version string and resolves
* the version information. Dynamically detects the formatting
* to use.
* @param {string} verString Full version string to parse.
* @returns Object containing the version information.
static parseJavaRuntimeVersion(verString){
const major = verString.split('.')[0]
if(major == 1){
return JavaGuard._parseJavaRuntimeVersion_8(verString)
} else {
return JavaGuard._parseJavaRuntimeVersion_9(verString)
* Parses a **full** Java Runtime version string and resolves
* the version information. Uses Java 8 formatting.
* @param {string} verString Full version string to parse.
* @returns Object containing the version information.
static _parseJavaRuntimeVersion_8(verString){
// 1.{major}.0_{update}-b{build}
// ex. 1.8.0_152-b16
const ret = {}
let pts = verString.split('-')
ret.build = parseInt(pts[1].substring(1))
pts = pts[0].split('_')
ret.update = parseInt(pts[1])
ret.major = parseInt(pts[0].split('.')[1])
return ret
* Parses a **full** Java Runtime version string and resolves
* the version information. Uses Java 9+ formatting.
* @param {string} verString Full version string to parse.
* @returns Object containing the version information.
static _parseJavaRuntimeVersion_9(verString){
// {major}.{minor}.{revision}+{build}
// ex. 10.0.2+13
const ret = {}
let pts = verString.split('+')
ret.build = parseInt(pts[1])
pts = pts[0].split('.')
ret.major = parseInt(pts[0])
ret.minor = parseInt(pts[1])
ret.revision = parseInt(pts[2])
return ret
* Validates the output of a JVM's properties. Currently validates that a JRE is x64
* and that the major = 8, update > 52.
* @param {string} stderr The output to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to a meta object about the JVM.
* The validity is stored inside the `valid` property.
const res = stderr
const props = res.split('\n')
const goal = 2
let checksum = 0
const meta = {}
for(let i=0; i<props.length; i++){
if(props[i].indexOf('sun.arch.data.model') > -1){
let arch = props[i].split('=')[1].trim()
arch = parseInt(arch)
if(arch === 64){
meta.arch = arch
if(checksum === goal){
} else if(props[i].indexOf('java.runtime.version') > -1){
let verString = props[i].split('=')[1].trim()
const verOb = JavaGuard.parseJavaRuntimeVersion(verString)
if(verOb.major < 9){
// Java 8
if(verOb.major === 8 && verOb.update > 52){
meta.version = verOb
if(checksum === goal){
} else {
// Java 9+
if(Util.mcVersionAtLeast('1.13', this.mcVersion)){
console.log('Java 9+ not yet tested.')
/* meta.version = verOb
if(checksum === goal){
} */
// Space included so we get only the vendor.
} else if(props[i].lastIndexOf('java.vendor ') > -1) {
let vendorName = props[i].split('=')[1].trim()
meta.vendor = vendorName
meta.valid = checksum === goal
return meta
* Validates that a Java binary is at least 64 bit. This makes use of the non-standard
* command line option -XshowSettings:properties. The output of this contains a property,
* sun.arch.data.model = ARCH, in which ARCH is either 32 or 64. This option is supported
* in Java 8 and 9. Since this is a non-standard option. This will resolve to true if
* the function's code throws errors. That would indicate that the option is changed or
* removed.
* @param {string} binaryExecPath Path to the java executable we wish to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to a meta object about the JVM.
* The validity is stored inside the `valid` property.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve({valid: false})
} else if(fs.existsSync(binaryExecPath)){
// Workaround (javaw.exe no longer outputs this information.)
console.log(typeof binaryExecPath)
if(binaryExecPath.indexOf('javaw.exe') > -1) {
binaryExecPath.replace('javaw.exe', 'java.exe')
child_process.exec('"' + binaryExecPath + '" -XshowSettings:properties', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
try {
// Output is stored in stderr?
} catch (err){
// Output format might have changed, validation cannot be completed.
resolve({valid: false})
} else {
resolve({valid: false})
* Checks for the presence of the environment variable JAVA_HOME. If it exits, we will check
* to see if the value points to a path which exists. If the path exits, the path is returned.
* @returns {string} The path defined by JAVA_HOME, if it exists. Otherwise null.
static _scanJavaHome(){
const jHome = process.env.JAVA_HOME
try {
let res = fs.existsSync(jHome)
return res ? jHome : null
} catch (err) {
// Malformed JAVA_HOME property.
return null
* Scans the registry for 64-bit Java entries. The paths of each entry are added to
* a set and returned. Currently, only Java 8 (1.8) is supported.
* @returns {Promise.<Set.<string>>} A promise which resolves to a set of 64-bit Java root
* paths found in the registry.
static _scanRegistry(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Keys for Java v9.0.0 and later:
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JRE'
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JDK'
// Forge does not yet support Java 9, therefore we do not.
// Keys for Java 1.8 and prior:
const regKeys = [
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment',
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit'
let keysDone = 0
const candidates = new Set()
for(let i=0; i<regKeys.length; i++){
const key = new Registry({
hive: Registry.HKLM,
key: regKeys[i],
arch: 'x64'
key.keyExists((err, exists) => {
if(exists) {
key.keys((err, javaVers) => {
if(keysDone === regKeys.length){
} else {
if(javaVers.length === 0){
if(keysDone === regKeys.length){
} else {
let numDone = 0
for(let j=0; j<javaVers.length; j++){
const javaVer = javaVers[j]
const vKey = javaVer.key.substring(javaVer.key.lastIndexOf('\\')+1)
// Only Java 8 is supported currently.
if(parseFloat(vKey) === 1.8){
javaVer.get('JavaHome', (err, res) => {
const jHome = res.value
if(jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
if(numDone === javaVers.length){
if(keysDone === regKeys.length){
} else {
if(numDone === javaVers.length){
if(keysDone === regKeys.length){
} else {
if(keysDone === regKeys.length){
* See if JRE exists in the Internet Plug-Ins folder.
* @returns {string} The path of the JRE if found, otherwise null.
static _scanInternetPlugins(){
// /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java
const pth = '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin'
const res = fs.existsSync(JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(pth))
return res ? pth : null
* Scan a directory for root JVM folders.
* @param {string} scanDir The directory to scan.
* @returns {Promise.<Set.<string>>} A promise which resolves to a set of the discovered
* root JVM folders.
static async _scanFileSystem(scanDir){
let res = new Set()
if(await fs.pathExists(scanDir)) {
const files = await fs.readdir(scanDir)
for(let i=0; i<files.length; i++){
const combinedPath = path.join(scanDir, files[i])
const execPath = JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(combinedPath)
if(await fs.pathExists(execPath)) {
return res
* @param {Set.<string>} rootSet A set of JVM root strings to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<Object[]>} A promise which resolves to an array of meta objects
* for each valid JVM root directory.
async _validateJavaRootSet(rootSet){
const rootArr = Array.from(rootSet)
const validArr = []
for(let i=0; i<rootArr.length; i++){
const execPath = JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(rootArr[i])
const metaOb = await this._validateJavaBinary(execPath)
metaOb.execPath = execPath
return validArr
* Sort an array of JVM meta objects. Best candidates are placed before all others.
* Sorts based on version and gives priority to JREs over JDKs if versions match.
* @param {Object[]} validArr An array of JVM meta objects.
* @returns {Object[]} A sorted array of JVM meta objects.
static _sortValidJavaArray(validArr){
const retArr = validArr.sort((a, b) => {
if(a.version.major === b.version.major){
if(a.version.major < 9){
// Java 8
if(a.version.update === b.version.update){
if(a.version.build === b.version.build){
// Same version, give priority to JRE.
if(a.execPath.toLowerCase().indexOf('jdk') > -1){
return b.execPath.toLowerCase().indexOf('jdk') > -1 ? 0 : 1
} else {
return -1
} else {
return a.version.build > b.version.build ? -1 : 1
} else {
return a.version.update > b.version.update ? -1 : 1
} else {
// Java 9+
if(a.version.minor === b.version.minor){
if(a.version.revision === b.version.revision){
// Same version, give priority to JRE.
if(a.execPath.toLowerCase().indexOf('jdk') > -1){
return b.execPath.toLowerCase().indexOf('jdk') > -1 ? 0 : 1
} else {
return -1
} else {
return a.version.revision > b.version.revision ? -1 : 1
} else {
return a.version.minor > b.version.minor ? -1 : 1
} else {
return a.version.major > b.version.major ? -1 : 1
return retArr
* Attempts to find a valid x64 installation of Java on Windows machines.
* Possible paths will be pulled from the registry and the JAVA_HOME environment
* variable. The paths will be sorted with higher versions preceeding lower, and
* JREs preceeding JDKs. The binaries at the sorted paths will then be validated.
* The first validated is returned.
* Higher versions > Lower versions
* If versions are equal, JRE > JDK.
* @param {string} dataDir The base launcher directory.
* @returns {Promise.<string>} A Promise which resolves to the executable path of a valid
* x64 Java installation. If none are found, null is returned.
async _win32JavaValidate(dataDir){
// Get possible paths from the registry.
let pathSet1 = await JavaGuard._scanRegistry()
if(pathSet1.size === 0){
// Do a manual file system scan of program files.
pathSet1 = new Set([
...(await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem('C:\\Program Files\\Java')),
...(await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem('C:\\Program Files\\Eclipse Foundation')),
...(await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem('C:\\Program Files\\AdoptOpenJDK'))
// Get possible paths from the data directory.
const pathSet2 = await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem(path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64'))
// Merge the results.
const uberSet = new Set([...pathSet1, ...pathSet2])
// Validate JAVA_HOME.
const jHome = JavaGuard._scanJavaHome()
if(jHome != null && jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
let pathArr = await this._validateJavaRootSet(uberSet)
pathArr = JavaGuard._sortValidJavaArray(pathArr)
if(pathArr.length > 0){
return pathArr[0].execPath
} else {
return null
* Attempts to find a valid x64 installation of Java on MacOS.
* The system JVM directory is scanned for possible installations.
* The JAVA_HOME enviroment variable and internet plugins directory
* are also scanned and validated.
* Higher versions > Lower versions
* If versions are equal, JRE > JDK.
* @param {string} dataDir The base launcher directory.
* @returns {Promise.<string>} A Promise which resolves to the executable path of a valid
* x64 Java installation. If none are found, null is returned.
async _darwinJavaValidate(dataDir){
const pathSet1 = await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines')
const pathSet2 = await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem(path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64'))
const uberSet = new Set([...pathSet1, ...pathSet2])
// Check Internet Plugins folder.
const iPPath = JavaGuard._scanInternetPlugins()
if(iPPath != null){
// Check the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
let jHome = JavaGuard._scanJavaHome()
if(jHome != null){
// Ensure we are at the absolute root.
jHome = jHome.substring(0, jHome.indexOf('/Contents/Home'))
let pathArr = await this._validateJavaRootSet(uberSet)
pathArr = JavaGuard._sortValidJavaArray(pathArr)
if(pathArr.length > 0){
return pathArr[0].execPath
} else {
return null
* Attempts to find a valid x64 installation of Java on Linux.
* The system JVM directory is scanned for possible installations.
* The JAVA_HOME enviroment variable is also scanned and validated.
* Higher versions > Lower versions
* If versions are equal, JRE > JDK.
* @param {string} dataDir The base launcher directory.
* @returns {Promise.<string>} A Promise which resolves to the executable path of a valid
* x64 Java installation. If none are found, null is returned.
async _linuxJavaValidate(dataDir){
const pathSet1 = await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem('/usr/lib/jvm')
const pathSet2 = await JavaGuard._scanFileSystem(path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64'))
const uberSet = new Set([...pathSet1, ...pathSet2])
// Validate JAVA_HOME
const jHome = JavaGuard._scanJavaHome()
if(jHome != null){
let pathArr = await this._validateJavaRootSet(uberSet)
pathArr = JavaGuard._sortValidJavaArray(pathArr)
if(pathArr.length > 0){
return pathArr[0].execPath
} else {
return null
* Retrieve the path of a valid x64 Java installation.
* @param {string} dataDir The base launcher directory.
* @returns {string} A path to a valid x64 Java installation, null if none found.
async validateJava(dataDir){
return await this['_' + process.platform + 'JavaValidate'](dataDir)
* Central object class used for control flow. This object stores data about
* categories of downloads. Each category is assigned an identifier with a
* DLTracker object as its value. Combined information is also stored, such as
* the total size of all the queued files in each category. This event is used
* to emit events so that external modules can listen into processing done in
* this module.
class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
* Create an instance of AssetGuard.
* On creation the object's properties are never-null default
* values. Each identifier is resolved to an empty DLTracker.
* @param {string} commonPath The common path for shared game files.
* @param {string} javaexec The path to a java executable which will be used
* to finalize installation.
constructor(commonPath, javaexec){
this.totaldlsize = 0
this.progress = 0
this.assets = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.files = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.forge = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.java = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.extractQueue = []
this.commonPath = commonPath
this.javaexec = javaexec
// Static Utility Functions
// #region
// Static Hash Validation Functions
// #region
* Calculates the hash for a file using the specified algorithm.
* @param {Buffer} buf The buffer containing file data.
* @param {string} algo The hash algorithm.
* @returns {string} The calculated hash in hex.
static _calculateHash(buf, algo){
return crypto.createHash(algo).update(buf).digest('hex')
* Used to parse a checksums file. This is specifically designed for
* the checksums.sha1 files found inside the forge scala dependencies.
* @param {string} content The string content of the checksums file.
* @returns {Object} An object with keys being the file names, and values being the hashes.
static _parseChecksumsFile(content){
let finalContent = {}
let lines = content.split('\n')
for(let i=0; i<lines.length; i++){
let bits = lines[i].split(' ')
if(bits[1] == null) {
finalContent[bits[1]] = bits[0]
return finalContent
* Validate that a file exists and matches a given hash value.
* @param {string} filePath The path of the file to validate.
* @param {string} algo The hash algorithm to check against.
* @param {string} hash The existing hash to check against.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file exists and calculated hash matches the given hash, otherwise false.
static _validateLocal(filePath, algo, hash){
//No hash provided, have to assume it's good.
if(hash == null){
return true
let buf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
let calcdhash = AssetGuard._calculateHash(buf, algo)
return calcdhash === hash.toLowerCase()
return false
* Validates a file in the style used by forge's version index.
* @param {string} filePath The path of the file to validate.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file exists and the hashes match, otherwise false.
static _validateForgeChecksum(filePath, checksums){
if(checksums == null || checksums.length === 0){
return true
let buf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
let calcdhash = AssetGuard._calculateHash(buf, 'sha1')
let valid = checksums.includes(calcdhash)
if(!valid && filePath.endsWith('.jar')){
valid = AssetGuard._validateForgeJar(filePath, checksums)
return valid
return false
* Validates a forge jar file dependency who declares a checksums.sha1 file.
* This can be an expensive task as it usually requires that we calculate thousands
* of hashes.
* @param {Buffer} buf The buffer of the jar file.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if all hashes declared in the checksums.sha1 file match the actual hashes.
static _validateForgeJar(buf, checksums){
// Double pass method was the quickest I found. I tried a version where we store data
// to only require a single pass, plus some quick cleanup but that seemed to take slightly more time.
const hashes = {}
let expected = {}
const zip = new AdmZip(buf)
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
//First pass
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
let entry = zipEntries[i]
if(entry.entryName === 'checksums.sha1'){
expected = AssetGuard._parseChecksumsFile(zip.readAsText(entry))
hashes[entry.entryName] = AssetGuard._calculateHash(entry.getData(), 'sha1')
return false
//Check against expected
const expectedEntries = Object.keys(expected)
for(let i=0; i<expectedEntries.length; i++){
if(expected[expectedEntries[i]] !== hashes[expectedEntries[i]]){
return false
return true
// #endregion
// Miscellaneous Static Functions
// #region
* Extracts and unpacks a file from .pack.xz format.
* @param {Array.<string>} filePaths The paths of the files to be extracted and unpacked.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the extraction has completed.
static _extractPackXZ(filePaths, javaExecutable){
console.log('[PackXZExtract] Starting')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let libPath
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
} else {
if(process.platform === 'darwin'){
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(),'Contents', 'Resources', 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
} else {
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'resources', 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
const filePath = filePaths.join(',')
const child = child_process.spawn(javaExecutable, ['-jar', libPath, '-packxz', filePath])
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('[PackXZExtract]', data.toString('utf8'))
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('[PackXZExtract]', data.toString('utf8'))
child.on('close', (code, signal) => {
console.log('[PackXZExtract]', 'Exited with code', code)
* Function which finalizes the forge installation process. This creates a 'version'
* instance for forge and saves its version.json file into that instance. If that
* instance already exists, the contents of the version.json file are read and returned
* in a promise.
* @param {Asset} asset The Asset object representing Forge.
* @param {string} commonPath The common path for shared game files.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to the contents of forge's version.json.
static _finalizeForgeAsset(asset, commonPath){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(asset.to, (err, data) => {
const zip = new AdmZip(data)
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
if(zipEntries[i].entryName === 'version.json'){
const forgeVersion = JSON.parse(zip.readAsText(zipEntries[i]))
const versionPath = path.join(commonPath, 'versions', forgeVersion.id)
const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, forgeVersion.id + '.json')
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(versionPath, forgeVersion.id + '.json'), zipEntries[i].getData())
} else {
//Read the saved file to allow for user modifications.
resolve(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile, 'utf-8')))
//We didn't find forge's version.json.
reject('Unable to finalize Forge processing, version.json not found! Has forge changed their format?')
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Validation Functions
// #region
* Loads the version data for a given minecraft version.
* @param {string} version The game version for which to load the index data.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the version index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} Promise which resolves to the version data object.
loadVersionData(version, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const versionPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'versions', version)
const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, version + '.json')
if(!fs.existsSync(versionFile) || force){
const url = await self._getVersionDataUrl(version)
//This download will never be tracked as it's essential and trivial.
console.log('Preparing download of ' + version + ' assets.')
const stream = request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(versionFile))
stream.on('finish', () => {
} else {
* Parses Mojang's version manifest and retrieves the url of the version
* data index.
* @param {string} version The version to lookup.
* @returns {Promise.<string>} Promise which resolves to the url of the version data index.
* If the version could not be found, resolves to null.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request('https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json', (error, resp, body) => {
} else {
const manifest = JSON.parse(body)
for(let v of manifest.versions){
if(v.id === version){
// Asset (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public asset validation function. This function will handle the validation of assets.
* It will parse the asset index specified in the version data, analyzing each
* asset entry. In this analysis it will check to see if the local file exists and is valid.
* If not, it will be added to the download queue for the 'assets' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
validateAssets(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self._assetChainIndexData(versionData, force).then(() => {
//Chain the asset tasks to provide full async. The below functions are private.
* Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function retrieves
* the index data.
* @param {Object} versionData
* @param {boolean} force
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
_assetChainIndexData(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Asset index constants.
const assetIndex = versionData.assetIndex
const name = assetIndex.id + '.json'
const indexPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets', 'indexes')
const assetIndexLoc = path.join(indexPath, name)
let data = null
if(!fs.existsSync(assetIndexLoc) || force){
console.log('Downloading ' + versionData.id + ' asset index.')
const stream = request(assetIndex.url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(assetIndexLoc))
stream.on('finish', () => {
data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
self._assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, data).then(() => {
} else {
data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
self._assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, data).then(() => {
* Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function processes
* the assets and enqueues missing or invalid files.
* @param {Object} versionData
* @param {boolean} force
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
_assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, indexData){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Asset constants
const resourceURL = 'https://resources.download.minecraft.net/'
const localPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets')
const objectPath = path.join(localPath, 'objects')
const assetDlQueue = []
let dlSize = 0
let acc = 0
const total = Object.keys(indexData.objects).length
//const objKeys = Object.keys(data.objects)
async.forEachOfLimit(indexData.objects, 10, (value, key, cb) => {
self.emit('progress', 'assets', acc, total)
const hash = value.hash
const assetName = path.join(hash.substring(0, 2), hash)
const urlName = hash.substring(0, 2) + '/' + hash
const ast = new Asset(key, hash, value.size, resourceURL + urlName, path.join(objectPath, assetName))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(ast.to, 'sha1', ast.hash)){
dlSize += (ast.size*1)
}, (err) => {
self.assets = new DLTracker(assetDlQueue, dlSize)
// #endregion
// Library (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public library validation function. This function will handle the validation of libraries.
* It will parse the version data, analyzing each library entry. In this analysis, it will
* check to see if the local file exists and is valid. If not, it will be added to the download
* queue for the 'libraries' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const libArr = versionData.libraries
const libPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'libraries')
const libDlQueue = []
let dlSize = 0
//Check validity of each library. If the hashs don't match, download the library.
async.eachLimit(libArr, 5, (lib, cb) => {
if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules, lib.natives)){
let artifact = (lib.natives == null) ? lib.downloads.artifact : lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()].replace('${arch}', process.arch.replace('x', ''))]
const libItm = new Library(lib.name, artifact.sha1, artifact.size, artifact.url, path.join(libPath, artifact.path))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(libItm.to, 'sha1', libItm.hash)){
dlSize += (libItm.size*1)
}, (err) => {
self.libraries = new DLTracker(libDlQueue, dlSize)
// #endregion
// Miscellaneous (Category=files) Validation Functions
// #region
* Public miscellaneous mojang file validation function. These files will be enqueued under
* the 'files' identifier.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
await self.validateClient(versionData)
await self.validateLogConfig(versionData)
* Validate client file - artifact renamed from client.jar to '{version}'.jar.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
validateClient(versionData, force = false){
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const clientData = versionData.downloads.client
const version = versionData.id
const targetPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'versions', version)
const targetFile = version + '.jar'
let client = new Asset(version + ' client', clientData.sha1, clientData.size, clientData.url, path.join(targetPath, targetFile))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(client.to, 'sha1', client.hash) || force){
self.files.dlsize += client.size*1
} else {
* Validate log config.
* @param {Object} versionData The version data for the assets.
* @param {boolean} force Optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = versionData.logging.client
const file = client.file
const targetPath = path.join(self.commonPath, 'assets', 'log_configs')
let logConfig = new Asset(file.id, file.sha1, file.size, file.url, path.join(targetPath, file.id))
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(logConfig.to, 'sha1', logConfig.hash)){
self.files.dlsize += logConfig.size*1
} else {
// #endregion
// Distribution (Category=forge) Validation Functions
// #region
* Validate the distribution.
* @param {Server} server The Server to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to the server distribution object.
const self = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.forge = self._parseDistroModules(server.getModules(), server.getMinecraftVersion(), server.getID())
_parseDistroModules(modules, version, servid){
let alist = []
let asize = 0
for(let ob of modules){
let obArtifact = ob.getArtifact()
let obPath = obArtifact.getPath()
let artifact = new DistroModule(ob.getIdentifier(), obArtifact.getHash(), obArtifact.getSize(), obArtifact.getURL(), obPath, ob.getType())
const validationPath = obPath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.pack.xz') ? obPath.substring(0, obPath.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.pack.xz')) : obPath
if(!AssetGuard._validateLocal(validationPath, 'MD5', artifact.hash)){
asize += artifact.size*1
if(validationPath !== obPath) this.extractQueue.push(obPath)
//Recursively process the submodules then combine the results.
if(ob.getSubModules() != null){
let dltrack = this._parseDistroModules(ob.getSubModules(), version, servid)
asize += dltrack.dlsize*1
alist = alist.concat(dltrack.dlqueue)
return new DLTracker(alist, asize)
* Loads Forge's version.json data into memory for the specified server id.
* @param {string} server The Server to load Forge data for.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise which resolves to Forge's version.json data.
const self = this
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const modules = server.getModules()
for(let ob of modules){
const type = ob.getType()
if(type === DistroManager.Types.ForgeHosted || type === DistroManager.Types.Forge){
if(Util.isForgeGradle3(server.getMinecraftVersion(), ob.getVersion())){
// Read Manifest
for(let sub of ob.getSubModules()){
if(sub.getType() === DistroManager.Types.VersionManifest){
resolve(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sub.getArtifact().getPath(), 'utf-8')))
reject('No forge version manifest found!')
} else {
let obArtifact = ob.getArtifact()
let obPath = obArtifact.getPath()
let asset = new DistroModule(ob.getIdentifier(), obArtifact.getHash(), obArtifact.getSize(), obArtifact.getURL(), obPath, type)
try {
let forgeData = await AssetGuard._finalizeForgeAsset(asset, self.commonPath)
} catch (err){
reject('No forge module found!')
* Forge asset validations are already implemented. When there's nothing much
* to work on, implement forge downloads using forge's version.json. This is to
* have the code on standby if we ever need it (since it's half implemented already).
// #endregion
// Java (Category=''') Validation (download) Functions
// #region
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
JavaGuard._latestOpenJDK('8').then(verData => {
if(verData != null){
dataDir = path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64')
const fDir = path.join(dataDir, verData.name)
const jre = new Asset(verData.name, null, verData.size, verData.uri, fDir)
this.java = new DLTracker([jre], jre.size, (a, self) => {
this._extractJdkZip(a.to, dataDir, self)
} else {
// Tar.gz
let h = null
.on('error', err => console.log(err))
.on('error', err => console.log(err))
.pipe(tar.extract(dataDir, {
map: (header) => {
if(h == null){
h = header.name
.on('error', err => console.log(err))
.on('finish', () => {
fs.unlink(a.to, err => {
if(h.indexOf('/') > -1){
h = h.substring(0, h.indexOf('/'))
const pos = path.join(dataDir, h)
self.emit('complete', 'java', JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(pos))
} else {
async _extractJdkZip(zipPath, runtimeDir, self) {
const zip = new StreamZip.async({
file: zipPath,
storeEntries: true
let pos = ''
try {
const entries = await zip.entries()
pos = path.join(runtimeDir, Object.keys(entries)[0])
console.log('Extracting jdk..')
await zip.extract(null, runtimeDir)
console.log('Cleaning up..')
await fs.remove(zipPath)
console.log('Jdk extraction complete.')
} catch(err) {
} finally {
self.emit('complete', 'java', JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(pos))
// _enqueueOracleJRE(dataDir){
// return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// JavaGuard._latestJREOracle().then(verData => {
// if(verData != null){
// const combined = verData.uri + PLATFORM_MAP[process.platform]
// const opts = {
// url: combined,
// headers: {
// 'Cookie': 'oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie'
// }
// }
// request.head(opts, (err, resp, body) => {
// if(err){
// resolve(false)
// } else {
// dataDir = path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64')
// const name = combined.substring(combined.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
// const fDir = path.join(dataDir, name)
// const jre = new Asset(name, null, parseInt(resp.headers['content-length']), opts, fDir)
// this.java = new DLTracker([jre], jre.size, (a, self) => {
// let h = null
// fs.createReadStream(a.to)
// .on('error', err => console.log(err))
// .pipe(zlib.createGunzip())
// .on('error', err => console.log(err))
// .pipe(tar.extract(dataDir, {
// map: (header) => {
// if(h == null){
// h = header.name
// }
// }
// }))
// .on('error', err => console.log(err))
// .on('finish', () => {
// fs.unlink(a.to, err => {
// if(err){
// console.log(err)
// }
// if(h.indexOf('/') > -1){
// h = h.substring(0, h.indexOf('/'))
// }
// const pos = path.join(dataDir, h)
// self.emit('complete', 'java', JavaGuard.javaExecFromRoot(pos))
// })
// })
// })
// resolve(true)
// }
// })
// } else {
// resolve(false)
// }
// })
// })
// }
// _enqueueMojangJRE(dir){
// return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// // Mojang does not host the JRE for linux.
// if(process.platform === 'linux'){
// resolve(false)
// }
// AssetGuard.loadMojangLauncherData().then(data => {
// if(data != null) {
// try {
// const mJRE = data[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()]['64'].jre
// const url = mJRE.url
// request.head(url, (err, resp, body) => {
// if(err){
// resolve(false)
// } else {
// const name = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
// const fDir = path.join(dir, name)
// const jre = new Asset('jre' + mJRE.version, mJRE.sha1, resp.headers['content-length'], url, fDir)
// this.java = new DLTracker([jre], jre.size, a => {
// fs.readFile(a.to, (err, data) => {
// // Data buffer needs to be decompressed from lzma,
// // not really possible using node.js
// })
// })
// }
// })
// } catch (err){
// resolve(false)
// }
// }
// })
// })
// }
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Control Flow Functions
// #region
* Initiate an async download process for an AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {string} identifier The identifier of the AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {number} limit Optional. The number of async processes to run in parallel.
* @returns {boolean} True if the process began, otherwise false.
startAsyncProcess(identifier, limit = 5){
const self = this
const dlTracker = this[identifier]
const dlQueue = dlTracker.dlqueue
if(dlQueue.length > 0){
console.log('DLQueue', dlQueue)
async.eachLimit(dlQueue, limit, (asset, cb) => {
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(asset.to, '..'))
let req = request(asset.from)
req.on('response', (resp) => {
if(resp.statusCode === 200){
let doHashCheck = false
const contentLength = parseInt(resp.headers['content-length'])
if(contentLength !== asset.size){
console.log(`WARN: Got ${contentLength} bytes for ${asset.id}: Expected ${asset.size}`)
doHashCheck = true
// Adjust download
this.totaldlsize -= asset.size
this.totaldlsize += contentLength
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(asset.to)
writeStream.on('close', () => {
if(dlTracker.callback != null){
dlTracker.callback.apply(dlTracker, [asset, self])
const v = AssetGuard._validateLocal(asset.to, asset.type != null ? 'md5' : 'sha1', asset.hash)
console.log(`Hashes match for ${asset.id}, byte mismatch is an issue in the distro index.`)
} else {
console.error(`Hashes do not match, ${asset.id} may be corrupted.`)
} else {
console.log(`Failed to download ${asset.id}(${typeof asset.from === 'object' ? asset.from.url : asset.from}). Response code ${resp.statusCode}`)
self.progress += asset.size*1
self.emit('progress', 'download', self.progress, self.totaldlsize)
req.on('error', (err) => {
self.emit('error', 'download', err)
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
self.progress += chunk.length
self.emit('progress', 'download', self.progress, self.totaldlsize)
}, (err) => {
console.log('An item in ' + identifier + ' failed to process')
} else {
console.log('All ' + identifier + ' have been processed successfully')
//self.totaldlsize -= dlTracker.dlsize
//self.progress -= dlTracker.dlsize
self[identifier] = new DLTracker([], 0)
if(self.progress >= self.totaldlsize) {
if(self.extractQueue.length > 0){
self.emit('progress', 'extract', 1, 1)
AssetGuard._extractPackXZ(self.extractQueue, self.javaexec).then(() => {
self.extractQueue = []
self.emit('complete', 'download')
} else {
self.emit('complete', 'download')
return true
} else {
return false
* This function will initiate the download processed for the specified identifiers. If no argument is
* given, all identifiers will be initiated. Note that in order for files to be processed you need to run
* the processing function corresponding to that identifier. If you run this function without processing
* the files, it is likely nothing will be enqueued in the object and processing will complete
* immediately. Once all downloads are complete, this function will fire the 'complete' event on the
* global object instance.
* @param {Array.<{id: string, limit: number}>} identifiers Optional. The identifiers to process and corresponding parallel async task limit.
processDlQueues(identifiers = [{id:'assets', limit:20}, {id:'libraries', limit:5}, {id:'files', limit:5}, {id:'forge', limit:5}]){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let shouldFire = true
// Assign dltracking variables.
this.totaldlsize = 0
this.progress = 0
for(let iden of identifiers){
this.totaldlsize += this[iden.id].dlsize
this.once('complete', (data) => {
for(let iden of identifiers){
let r = this.startAsyncProcess(iden.id, iden.limit)
if(r) shouldFire = false
this.emit('complete', 'download')
async validateEverything(serverid, dev = false){
try {
const dI = await DistroManager.pullLocal()
const server = dI.getServer(serverid)
// Validate Everything
await this.validateDistribution(server)
this.emit('validate', 'distribution')
const versionData = await this.loadVersionData(server.getMinecraftVersion())
this.emit('validate', 'version')
await this.validateAssets(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'assets')
await this.validateLibraries(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'libraries')
await this.validateMiscellaneous(versionData)
this.emit('validate', 'files')
await this.processDlQueues()
//this.emit('complete', 'download')
const forgeData = await this.loadForgeData(server)
return {
} catch (err){
return {
versionData: null,
forgeData: null,
error: err
// #endregion
module.exports = {