const $ = require('jquery'); const remote = require('electron').remote const shell = require('electron').shell const path = require('path') const os = require('os'); const ag = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetguard.js')) const ProcessBuilder = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'processbuilder.js')) const mojang = require('mojang') const {GAME_DIRECTORY, DEFAULT_CONFIG} = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'constants.js')) $(document).on('ready', function(){ console.log('okay'); }) document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readyState == "complete") { // Bind close button. document.getElementById("frame_btn_close").addEventListener("click", function (e) { const window = remote.getCurrentWindow() window.close() }) // Bind restore down button. document.getElementById("frame_btn_restoredown").addEventListener("click", function (e) { const window = remote.getCurrentWindow() if(window.isMaximized()){ window.unmaximize(); } else { window.maximize() } }) // Bind minimize button. document.getElementById("frame_btn_minimize").addEventListener("click", function (e) { const window = remote.getCurrentWindow() window.minimize() }) // Bind launch button document.getElementById("launch_button").addEventListener('click', function(e){ console.log('Launching game..') testdownloads() }) // Bind progress bar length to length of bot wrapper document.getElementById("launch_progress").style.width = document.getElementById("launch_content").getBoundingClientRect().width } } // Open web links in the user's default browser. $(document).on('click', 'a[href^="http"]', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //console.log(os.homedir()) shell.openExternal(this.href) }) testdownloads = async function(){ const details = document.getElementById("launch_details") const progress = document.getElementById("launch_progress") const det_text = document.getElementById("launch_details_text") det_text.innerHTML = 'Please wait..' progress.setAttribute('max', '100') = 'flex' det_text.innerHTML = 'Loading version information..' const versionData = await ag.loadVersionData('1.11.2', GAME_DIRECTORY) progress.setAttribute('value', 20) det_text.innerHTML = 'Validating asset integrity..' await ag.validateAssets(versionData, GAME_DIRECTORY) progress.setAttribute('value', 40) console.log('assets done') det_text.innerHTML = 'Validating library integrity..' await ag.validateLibraries(versionData, GAME_DIRECTORY) progress.setAttribute('value', 60) console.log('libs done') det_text.innerHTML = 'Validating miscellaneous file integrity..' await ag.validateMiscellaneous(versionData, GAME_DIRECTORY) progress.setAttribute('value', 80) console.log('files done') det_text.innerHTML = 'Validating server distribution files..' const serv = await ag.validateDistribution('WesterosCraft-1.11.2', GAME_DIRECTORY) progress.setAttribute('value', 100) console.log('forge stuff done') det_text.innerHTML = 'Downloading files..' ag.instance.on('totaldlprogress', function(data){ progress.setAttribute('max', progress.setAttribute('value', data.acc) }) ag.instance.on('dlcomplete', async function(){ det_text.innerHTML = 'Preparing to launch..' const forgeData = await ag.loadForgeData('WesterosCraft-1.11.2', GAME_DIRECTORY) const authUser = await mojang.auth('EMAIL', 'PASS', DEFAULT_CONFIG.getClientToken(), { name: 'Minecraft', version: 1 }) let pb = new ProcessBuilder(GAME_DIRECTORY, serv, versionData, forgeData, authUser) det_text.innerHTML = 'Launching game..' let proc; try{ proc = det_text.innerHTML = 'Done. Enjoy the server!' } catch(err) { det_text.innerHTML = 'Error while launching: ' + err.message; } setTimeout(function(){ = 'none' }, 5000) }) ag.processDlQueues() } /** * Opens DevTools window if you type "wcdev" in sequence. * This will crash the program if you are using multiple * DevTools, for example the chrome debugger in VS Code. */ const match = [87, 67, 68, 69, 86] let at = 0; document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { switch(e.keyCode){ case match[0]: if(at === 0) ++at break case match[1]: if(at === 1) ++at break case match[2]: if(at === 2) ++at break case match[3]: if(at === 3) ++at break case match[4]: if(at === 4) ++at break default: at = 0 } if(at === 5) { var window = remote.getCurrentWindow() window.toggleDevTools() at = 0 } })