/** * Script for landing.ejs */ // Requirements const cp = require('child_process') const crypto = require('crypto') const { URL } = require('url') const { MojangRestAPI, getServerStatus } = require('helios-core/mojang') // Internal Requirements const DiscordWrapper = require('./assets/js/discordwrapper') const ProcessBuilder = require('./assets/js/processbuilder') const { RestResponseStatus } = require('helios-core/common') // Launch Elements const launch_content = document.getElementById('launch_content') const launch_details = document.getElementById('launch_details') const launch_progress = document.getElementById('launch_progress') const launch_progress_label = document.getElementById('launch_progress_label') const launch_details_text = document.getElementById('launch_details_text') const server_selection_button = document.getElementById('server_selection_button') const user_text = document.getElementById('user_text') const loggerLanding = LoggerUtil1('%c[Landing]', 'color: #000668; font-weight: bold') /* Launch Progress Wrapper Functions */ /** * Show/hide the loading area. * * @param {boolean} loading True if the loading area should be shown, otherwise false. */ function toggleLaunchArea(loading){ if(loading){ launch_details.style.display = 'flex' launch_content.style.display = 'none' } else { launch_details.style.display = 'none' launch_content.style.display = 'inline-flex' } } /** * Set the details text of the loading area. * * @param {string} details The new text for the loading details. */ function setLaunchDetails(details){ launch_details_text.innerHTML = details } /** * Set the value of the loading progress bar and display that value. * * @param {number} value The progress value. * @param {number} max The total size. * @param {number|string} percent Optional. The percentage to display on the progress label. */ function setLaunchPercentage(value, max, percent = ((value/max)*100)){ launch_progress.setAttribute('max', max) launch_progress.setAttribute('value', value) launch_progress_label.innerHTML = percent + '%' } /** * Set the value of the OS progress bar and display that on the UI. * * @param {number} value The progress value. * @param {number} max The total download size. * @param {number|string} percent Optional. The percentage to display on the progress label. */ function setDownloadPercentage(value, max, percent = ((value/max)*100)){ remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(value/max) setLaunchPercentage(value, max, percent) } /** * Enable or disable the launch button. * * @param {boolean} val True to enable, false to disable. */ function setLaunchEnabled(val){ document.getElementById('launch_button').disabled = !val } // Bind launch button document.getElementById('launch_button').addEventListener('click', function(e){ loggerLanding.log('Launching game..') const mcVersion = DistroManager.getDistribution().getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).getMinecraftVersion() const jExe = ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable() if(jExe == null){ asyncSystemScan(mcVersion) } else { setLaunchDetails(Lang.queryJS('landing.launch.pleaseWait')) toggleLaunchArea(true) setLaunchPercentage(0, 100) const jg = new JavaGuard(mcVersion) jg._validateJavaBinary(jExe).then((v) => { loggerLanding.log('Java version meta', v) if(v.valid){ dlAsync() } else { asyncSystemScan(mcVersion) } }) } }) // Bind settings button document.getElementById('settingsMediaButton').onclick = (e) => { prepareSettings() switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.settings) } // Bind avatar overlay button. document.getElementById('avatarOverlay').onclick = (e) => { prepareSettings() switchView(getCurrentView(), VIEWS.settings, 500, 500, () => { settingsNavItemListener(document.getElementById('settingsNavAccount'), false) }) } // Bind selected account function updateSelectedAccount(authUser){ let username = 'No Account Selected' if(authUser != null){ if(authUser.displayName != null){ username = authUser.displayName } if(authUser.uuid != null){ document.getElementById('avatarContainer').style.backgroundImage = `url('https://mc-heads.net/body/${authUser.uuid}/right')` } } user_text.innerHTML = username } updateSelectedAccount(ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount()) // Bind selected server function updateSelectedServer(serv){ if(getCurrentView() === VIEWS.settings){ saveAllModConfigurations() } ConfigManager.setSelectedServer(serv != null ? serv.getID() : null) ConfigManager.save() server_selection_button.innerHTML = '\u2022 ' + (serv != null ? serv.getName() : 'No Server Selected') if(getCurrentView() === VIEWS.settings){ animateModsTabRefresh() } setLaunchEnabled(serv != null) } // Real text is set in uibinder.js on distributionIndexDone. server_selection_button.innerHTML = '\u2022 Loading..' server_selection_button.onclick = (e) => { e.target.blur() toggleServerSelection(true) } // Update Mojang Status Color const refreshMojangStatuses = async function(){ loggerLanding.log('Refreshing Mojang Statuses..') let status = 'grey' let tooltipEssentialHTML = '' let tooltipNonEssentialHTML = '' const response = await MojangRestAPI.status() let statuses if(response.responseStatus === RestResponseStatus.SUCCESS) { statuses = response.data } else { loggerLanding.warn('Unable to refresh Mojang service status.') statuses = MojangRestAPI.getDefaultStatuses() } greenCount = 0 greyCount = 0 for(let i=0; i<statuses.length; i++){ const service = statuses[i] if(service.essential){ tooltipEssentialHTML += `<div class="mojangStatusContainer"> <span class="mojangStatusIcon" style="color: ${MojangRestAPI.statusToHex(service.status)};">•</span> <span class="mojangStatusName">${service.name}</span> </div>` } else { tooltipNonEssentialHTML += `<div class="mojangStatusContainer"> <span class="mojangStatusIcon" style="color: ${MojangRestAPI.statusToHex(service.status)};">•</span> <span class="mojangStatusName">${service.name}</span> </div>` } if(service.status === 'yellow' && status !== 'red'){ status = 'yellow' } else if(service.status === 'red'){ status = 'red' } else { if(service.status === 'grey'){ ++greyCount } ++greenCount } } if(greenCount === statuses.length){ if(greyCount === statuses.length){ status = 'grey' } else { status = 'green' } } document.getElementById('mojangStatusEssentialContainer').innerHTML = tooltipEssentialHTML document.getElementById('mojangStatusNonEssentialContainer').innerHTML = tooltipNonEssentialHTML document.getElementById('mojang_status_icon').style.color = MojangRestAPI.statusToHex(status) } const refreshServerStatus = async function(fade = false){ loggerLanding.log('Refreshing Server Status') const serv = DistroManager.getDistribution().getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()) let pLabel = 'SERVER' let pVal = 'OFFLINE' try { const serverURL = new URL('my://' + serv.getAddress()) const servStat = await getServerStatus(47, serverURL.hostname, Number(serverURL.port)) console.log(servStat) pLabel = 'PLAYERS' pVal = servStat.players.online + '/' + servStat.players.max } catch (err) { loggerLanding.warn('Unable to refresh server status, assuming offline.') loggerLanding.debug(err) } if(fade){ $('#server_status_wrapper').fadeOut(250, () => { document.getElementById('landingPlayerLabel').innerHTML = pLabel document.getElementById('player_count').innerHTML = pVal $('#server_status_wrapper').fadeIn(500) }) } else { document.getElementById('landingPlayerLabel').innerHTML = pLabel document.getElementById('player_count').innerHTML = pVal } } refreshMojangStatuses() // Server Status is refreshed in uibinder.js on distributionIndexDone. // Set refresh rate to once every 5 minutes. let mojangStatusListener = setInterval(() => refreshMojangStatuses(true), 300000) let serverStatusListener = setInterval(() => refreshServerStatus(true), 300000) /** * Shows an error overlay, toggles off the launch area. * * @param {string} title The overlay title. * @param {string} desc The overlay description. */ function showLaunchFailure(title, desc){ setOverlayContent( title, desc, 'Okay' ) setOverlayHandler(null) toggleOverlay(true) toggleLaunchArea(false) } /* System (Java) Scan */ let sysAEx let scanAt let extractListener /** * Asynchronously scan the system for valid Java installations. * * @param {string} mcVersion The Minecraft version we are scanning for. * @param {boolean} launchAfter Whether we should begin to launch after scanning. */ function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){ setLaunchDetails('Please wait..') toggleLaunchArea(true) setLaunchPercentage(0, 100) const loggerSysAEx = LoggerUtil1('%c[SysAEx]', 'color: #353232; font-weight: bold') const forkEnv = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(process.env)) forkEnv.CONFIG_DIRECT_PATH = ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory() // Fork a process to run validations. sysAEx = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetexec.js'), [ 'JavaGuard', mcVersion ], { env: forkEnv, stdio: 'pipe' }) // Stdout sysAEx.stdio[1].setEncoding('utf8') sysAEx.stdio[1].on('data', (data) => { loggerSysAEx.log(data) }) // Stderr sysAEx.stdio[2].setEncoding('utf8') sysAEx.stdio[2].on('data', (data) => { loggerSysAEx.log(data) }) sysAEx.on('message', (m) => { if(m.context === 'validateJava'){ if(m.result == null){ // If the result is null, no valid Java installation was found. // Show this information to the user. setOverlayContent( 'No Compatible<br>Java Installation Found', 'In order to join WesterosCraft, you need a 64-bit installation of Java 8. Would you like us to install a copy?', 'Install Java', 'Install Manually' ) setOverlayHandler(() => { setLaunchDetails('Preparing Java Download..') sysAEx.send({task: 'changeContext', class: 'AssetGuard', args: [ConfigManager.getCommonDirectory(),ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable()]}) sysAEx.send({task: 'execute', function: '_enqueueOpenJDK', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getDataDirectory()]}) toggleOverlay(false) }) setDismissHandler(() => { $('#overlayContent').fadeOut(250, () => { //$('#overlayDismiss').toggle(false) setOverlayContent( 'Java is Required<br>to Launch', 'A valid x64 installation of Java 8 is required to launch.<br><br>Please refer to our <a href="https://github.com/dscalzi/HeliosLauncher/wiki/Java-Management#manually-installing-a-valid-version-of-java">Java Management Guide</a> for instructions on how to manually install Java.', 'I Understand', 'Go Back' ) setOverlayHandler(() => { toggleLaunchArea(false) toggleOverlay(false) }) setDismissHandler(() => { toggleOverlay(false, true) asyncSystemScan() }) $('#overlayContent').fadeIn(250) }) }) toggleOverlay(true, true) } else { // Java installation found, use this to launch the game. ConfigManager.setJavaExecutable(m.result) ConfigManager.save() // We need to make sure that the updated value is on the settings UI. // Just incase the settings UI is already open. settingsJavaExecVal.value = m.result populateJavaExecDetails(settingsJavaExecVal.value) if(launchAfter){ dlAsync() } sysAEx.disconnect() } } else if(m.context === '_enqueueOpenJDK'){ if(m.result === true){ // Oracle JRE enqueued successfully, begin download. setLaunchDetails('Downloading Java..') sysAEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'processDlQueues', argsArr: [[{id:'java', limit:1}]]}) } else { // Oracle JRE enqueue failed. Probably due to a change in their website format. // User will have to follow the guide to install Java. setOverlayContent( 'Unexpected Issue:<br>Java Download Failed', 'Unfortunately we\'ve encountered an issue while attempting to install Java. You will need to manually install a copy. Please check out our <a href="https://github.com/dscalzi/HeliosLauncher/wiki">Troubleshooting Guide</a> for more details and instructions.', 'I Understand' ) setOverlayHandler(() => { toggleOverlay(false) toggleLaunchArea(false) }) toggleOverlay(true) sysAEx.disconnect() } } else if(m.context === 'progress'){ switch(m.data){ case 'download': // Downloading.. setDownloadPercentage(m.value, m.total, m.percent) break } } else if(m.context === 'complete'){ switch(m.data){ case 'download': { // Show installing progress bar. remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(2) // Wait for extration to complete. const eLStr = 'Extracting' let dotStr = '' setLaunchDetails(eLStr) extractListener = setInterval(() => { if(dotStr.length >= 3){ dotStr = '' } else { dotStr += '.' } setLaunchDetails(eLStr + dotStr) }, 750) break } case 'java': // Download & extraction complete, remove the loading from the OS progress bar. remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(-1) // Extraction completed successfully. ConfigManager.setJavaExecutable(m.args[0]) ConfigManager.save() if(extractListener != null){ clearInterval(extractListener) extractListener = null } setLaunchDetails('Java Installed!') if(launchAfter){ dlAsync() } sysAEx.disconnect() break } } else if(m.context === 'error'){ console.log(m.error) } }) // Begin system Java scan. setLaunchDetails('Checking system info..') sysAEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'validateJava', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getDataDirectory()]}) } // Keep reference to Minecraft Process let proc // Is DiscordRPC enabled let hasRPC = false // Joined server regex // Change this if your server uses something different. const GAME_JOINED_REGEX = /\[.+\]: Sound engine started/ const GAME_LAUNCH_REGEX = /^\[.+\]: (?:MinecraftForge .+ Initialized|ModLauncher .+ starting: .+)$/ const MIN_LINGER = 5000 let aEx let serv let versionData let forgeData let progressListener function dlAsync(login = true){ // Login parameter is temporary for debug purposes. Allows testing the validation/downloads without // launching the game. if(login) { if(ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() == null){ loggerLanding.error('You must be logged into an account.') return } } setLaunchDetails('Please wait..') toggleLaunchArea(true) setLaunchPercentage(0, 100) const loggerAEx = LoggerUtil1('%c[AEx]', 'color: #353232; font-weight: bold') const loggerLaunchSuite = LoggerUtil1('%c[LaunchSuite]', 'color: #000668; font-weight: bold') const forkEnv = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(process.env)) forkEnv.CONFIG_DIRECT_PATH = ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory() // Start AssetExec to run validations and downloads in a forked process. aEx = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetexec.js'), [ 'AssetGuard', ConfigManager.getCommonDirectory(), ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable() ], { env: forkEnv, stdio: 'pipe' }) // Stdout aEx.stdio[1].setEncoding('utf8') aEx.stdio[1].on('data', (data) => { loggerAEx.log(data) }) // Stderr aEx.stdio[2].setEncoding('utf8') aEx.stdio[2].on('data', (data) => { loggerAEx.log(data) }) aEx.on('error', (err) => { loggerLaunchSuite.error('Error during launch', err) showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', err.message || 'See console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.') }) aEx.on('close', (code, signal) => { if(code !== 0){ loggerLaunchSuite.error(`AssetExec exited with code ${code}, assuming error.`) showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', 'See console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.') } }) // Establish communications between the AssetExec and current process. aEx.on('message', (m) => { if(m.context === 'validate'){ switch(m.data){ case 'distribution': setLaunchPercentage(20, 100) loggerLaunchSuite.log('Validated distibution index.') setLaunchDetails('Loading version information..') break case 'version': setLaunchPercentage(40, 100) loggerLaunchSuite.log('Version data loaded.') setLaunchDetails('Validating asset integrity..') break case 'assets': setLaunchPercentage(60, 100) loggerLaunchSuite.log('Asset Validation Complete') setLaunchDetails('Validating library integrity..') break case 'libraries': setLaunchPercentage(80, 100) loggerLaunchSuite.log('Library validation complete.') setLaunchDetails('Validating miscellaneous file integrity..') break case 'files': setLaunchPercentage(100, 100) loggerLaunchSuite.log('File validation complete.') setLaunchDetails('Downloading files..') break } } else if(m.context === 'progress'){ switch(m.data){ case 'assets': { const perc = (m.value/m.total)*20 setLaunchPercentage(40+perc, 100, parseInt(40+perc)) break } case 'download': setDownloadPercentage(m.value, m.total, m.percent) break case 'extract': { // Show installing progress bar. remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(2) // Download done, extracting. const eLStr = 'Extracting libraries' let dotStr = '' setLaunchDetails(eLStr) progressListener = setInterval(() => { if(dotStr.length >= 3){ dotStr = '' } else { dotStr += '.' } setLaunchDetails(eLStr + dotStr) }, 750) break } } } else if(m.context === 'complete'){ switch(m.data){ case 'download': // Download and extraction complete, remove the loading from the OS progress bar. remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(-1) if(progressListener != null){ clearInterval(progressListener) progressListener = null } setLaunchDetails('Preparing to launch..') break } } else if(m.context === 'error'){ switch(m.data){ case 'download': loggerLaunchSuite.error('Error while downloading:', m.error) if(m.error.code === 'ENOENT'){ showLaunchFailure( 'Download Error', 'Could not connect to the file server. Ensure that you are connected to the internet and try again.' ) } else { showLaunchFailure( 'Download Error', 'Check the console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details. Please try again.' ) } remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(-1) // Disconnect from AssetExec aEx.disconnect() break } } else if(m.context === 'validateEverything'){ let allGood = true // If these properties are not defined it's likely an error. if(m.result.forgeData == null || m.result.versionData == null){ loggerLaunchSuite.error('Error during validation:', m.result) loggerLaunchSuite.error('Error during launch', m.result.error) showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', 'Please check the console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.') allGood = false } forgeData = m.result.forgeData versionData = m.result.versionData if(login && allGood) { const authUser = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() loggerLaunchSuite.log(`Sending selected account (${authUser.displayName}) to ProcessBuilder.`) let pb = new ProcessBuilder(serv, versionData, forgeData, authUser, remote.app.getVersion()) setLaunchDetails('Launching game..') // const SERVER_JOINED_REGEX = /\[.+\]: \[CHAT\] [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,16} joined the game/ const SERVER_JOINED_REGEX = new RegExp(`\\[.+\\]: \\[CHAT\\] ${authUser.displayName} joined the game`) const onLoadComplete = () => { toggleLaunchArea(false) if(hasRPC){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Loading game..') } proc.stdout.on('data', gameStateChange) proc.stdout.removeListener('data', tempListener) proc.stderr.removeListener('data', gameErrorListener) } const start = Date.now() // Attach a temporary listener to the client output. // Will wait for a certain bit of text meaning that // the client application has started, and we can hide // the progress bar stuff. const tempListener = function(data){ if(GAME_LAUNCH_REGEX.test(data.trim())){ const diff = Date.now()-start if(diff < MIN_LINGER) { setTimeout(onLoadComplete, MIN_LINGER-diff) } else { onLoadComplete() } } } // Listener for Discord RPC. const gameStateChange = function(data){ data = data.trim() if(SERVER_JOINED_REGEX.test(data)){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Exploring the Realm!') } else if(GAME_JOINED_REGEX.test(data)){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Sailing to Westeros!') } } const gameErrorListener = function(data){ data = data.trim() if(data.indexOf('Could not find or load main class net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch') > -1){ loggerLaunchSuite.error('Game launch failed, LaunchWrapper was not downloaded properly.') showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', 'The main file, LaunchWrapper, failed to download properly. As a result, the game cannot launch.<br><br>To fix this issue, temporarily turn off your antivirus software and launch the game again.<br><br>If you have time, please <a href="https://github.com/dscalzi/HeliosLauncher/issues">submit an issue</a> and let us know what antivirus software you use. We\'ll contact them and try to straighten things out.') } } try { // Build Minecraft process. proc = pb.build() // Bind listeners to stdout. proc.stdout.on('data', tempListener) proc.stderr.on('data', gameErrorListener) setLaunchDetails('Done. Enjoy the server!') // Init Discord Hook const distro = DistroManager.getDistribution() if(distro.discord != null && serv.discord != null){ DiscordWrapper.initRPC(distro.discord, serv.discord) hasRPC = true proc.on('close', (code, signal) => { loggerLaunchSuite.log('Shutting down Discord Rich Presence..') DiscordWrapper.shutdownRPC() hasRPC = false proc = null }) } } catch(err) { loggerLaunchSuite.error('Error during launch', err) showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', 'Please check the console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.') } } // Disconnect from AssetExec aEx.disconnect() } }) // Begin Validations // Validate Forge files. setLaunchDetails('Loading server information..') refreshDistributionIndex(true, (data) => { onDistroRefresh(data) serv = data.getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()) aEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'validateEverything', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getSelectedServer(), DistroManager.isDevMode()]}) }, (err) => { loggerLaunchSuite.log('Error while fetching a fresh copy of the distribution index.', err) refreshDistributionIndex(false, (data) => { onDistroRefresh(data) serv = data.getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()) aEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'validateEverything', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getSelectedServer(), DistroManager.isDevMode()]}) }, (err) => { loggerLaunchSuite.error('Unable to refresh distribution index.', err) if(DistroManager.getDistribution() == null){ showLaunchFailure('Fatal Error', 'Could not load a copy of the distribution index. See the console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.') // Disconnect from AssetExec aEx.disconnect() } else { serv = data.getServer(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()) aEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'validateEverything', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getSelectedServer(), DistroManager.isDevMode()]}) } }) }) } /** * News Loading Functions */ // DOM Cache const newsContent = document.getElementById('newsContent') const newsArticleTitle = document.getElementById('newsArticleTitle') const newsArticleDate = document.getElementById('newsArticleDate') const newsArticleAuthor = document.getElementById('newsArticleAuthor') const newsArticleComments = document.getElementById('newsArticleComments') const newsNavigationStatus = document.getElementById('newsNavigationStatus') const newsArticleContentScrollable = document.getElementById('newsArticleContentScrollable') const nELoadSpan = document.getElementById('nELoadSpan') // News slide caches. let newsActive = false let newsGlideCount = 0 /** * Show the news UI via a slide animation. * * @param {boolean} up True to slide up, otherwise false. */ function slide_(up){ const lCUpper = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #upper') const lCLLeft = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #lower > #left') const lCLCenter = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #lower > #center') const lCLRight = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #lower > #right') const newsBtn = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #lower > #center #content') const landingContainer = document.getElementById('landingContainer') const newsContainer = document.querySelector('#landingContainer > #newsContainer') newsGlideCount++ if(up){ lCUpper.style.top = '-200vh' lCLLeft.style.top = '-200vh' lCLCenter.style.top = '-200vh' lCLRight.style.top = '-200vh' newsBtn.style.top = '130vh' newsContainer.style.top = '0px' //date.toLocaleDateString('en-US', {month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'}) //landingContainer.style.background = 'rgba(29, 29, 29, 0.55)' landingContainer.style.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)' setTimeout(() => { if(newsGlideCount === 1){ lCLCenter.style.transition = 'none' newsBtn.style.transition = 'none' } newsGlideCount-- }, 2000) } else { setTimeout(() => { newsGlideCount-- }, 2000) landingContainer.style.background = null lCLCenter.style.transition = null newsBtn.style.transition = null newsContainer.style.top = '100%' lCUpper.style.top = '0px' lCLLeft.style.top = '0px' lCLCenter.style.top = '0px' lCLRight.style.top = '0px' newsBtn.style.top = '10px' } } // Bind news button. document.getElementById('newsButton').onclick = () => { // Toggle tabbing. if(newsActive){ $('#landingContainer *').removeAttr('tabindex') $('#newsContainer *').attr('tabindex', '-1') } else { $('#landingContainer *').attr('tabindex', '-1') $('#newsContainer, #newsContainer *, #lower, #lower #center *').removeAttr('tabindex') if(newsAlertShown){ $('#newsButtonAlert').fadeOut(2000) newsAlertShown = false ConfigManager.setNewsCacheDismissed(true) ConfigManager.save() } } slide_(!newsActive) newsActive = !newsActive } // Array to store article meta. let newsArr = null // News load animation listener. let newsLoadingListener = null /** * Set the news loading animation. * * @param {boolean} val True to set loading animation, otherwise false. */ function setNewsLoading(val){ if(val){ const nLStr = 'Checking for News' let dotStr = '..' nELoadSpan.innerHTML = nLStr + dotStr newsLoadingListener = setInterval(() => { if(dotStr.length >= 3){ dotStr = '' } else { dotStr += '.' } nELoadSpan.innerHTML = nLStr + dotStr }, 750) } else { if(newsLoadingListener != null){ clearInterval(newsLoadingListener) newsLoadingListener = null } } } // Bind retry button. newsErrorRetry.onclick = () => { $('#newsErrorFailed').fadeOut(250, () => { initNews() $('#newsErrorLoading').fadeIn(250) }) } newsArticleContentScrollable.onscroll = (e) => { if(e.target.scrollTop > Number.parseFloat($('.newsArticleSpacerTop').css('height'))){ newsContent.setAttribute('scrolled', '') } else { newsContent.removeAttribute('scrolled') } } /** * Reload the news without restarting. * * @returns {Promise.<void>} A promise which resolves when the news * content has finished loading and transitioning. */ function reloadNews(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $('#newsContent').fadeOut(250, () => { $('#newsErrorLoading').fadeIn(250) initNews().then(() => { resolve() }) }) }) } let newsAlertShown = false /** * Show the news alert indicating there is new news. */ function showNewsAlert(){ newsAlertShown = true $(newsButtonAlert).fadeIn(250) } /** * Initialize News UI. This will load the news and prepare * the UI accordingly. * * @returns {Promise.<void>} A promise which resolves when the news * content has finished loading and transitioning. */ function initNews(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setNewsLoading(true) let news = {} loadNews().then(news => { newsArr = news.articles || null if(newsArr == null){ // News Loading Failed setNewsLoading(false) $('#newsErrorLoading').fadeOut(250, () => { $('#newsErrorFailed').fadeIn(250, () => { resolve() }) }) } else if(newsArr.length === 0) { // No News Articles setNewsLoading(false) ConfigManager.setNewsCache({ date: null, content: null, dismissed: false }) ConfigManager.save() $('#newsErrorLoading').fadeOut(250, () => { $('#newsErrorNone').fadeIn(250, () => { resolve() }) }) } else { // Success setNewsLoading(false) const lN = newsArr[0] const cached = ConfigManager.getNewsCache() let newHash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(lN.content).digest('hex') let newDate = new Date(lN.date) let isNew = false if(cached.date != null && cached.content != null){ if(new Date(cached.date) >= newDate){ // Compare Content if(cached.content !== newHash){ isNew = true showNewsAlert() } else { if(!cached.dismissed){ isNew = true showNewsAlert() } } } else { isNew = true showNewsAlert() } } else { isNew = true showNewsAlert() } if(isNew){ ConfigManager.setNewsCache({ date: newDate.getTime(), content: newHash, dismissed: false }) ConfigManager.save() } const switchHandler = (forward) => { let cArt = parseInt(newsContent.getAttribute('article')) let nxtArt = forward ? (cArt >= newsArr.length-1 ? 0 : cArt + 1) : (cArt <= 0 ? newsArr.length-1 : cArt - 1) displayArticle(newsArr[nxtArt], nxtArt+1) } document.getElementById('newsNavigateRight').onclick = () => { switchHandler(true) } document.getElementById('newsNavigateLeft').onclick = () => { switchHandler(false) } $('#newsErrorContainer').fadeOut(250, () => { displayArticle(newsArr[0], 1) $('#newsContent').fadeIn(250, () => { resolve() }) }) } }) }) } /** * Add keyboard controls to the news UI. Left and right arrows toggle * between articles. If you are on the landing page, the up arrow will * open the news UI. */ document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(newsActive){ if(e.key === 'ArrowRight' || e.key === 'ArrowLeft'){ document.getElementById(e.key === 'ArrowRight' ? 'newsNavigateRight' : 'newsNavigateLeft').click() } // Interferes with scrolling an article using the down arrow. // Not sure of a straight forward solution at this point. // if(e.key === 'ArrowDown'){ // document.getElementById('newsButton').click() // } } else { if(getCurrentView() === VIEWS.landing){ if(e.key === 'ArrowUp'){ document.getElementById('newsButton').click() } } } }) /** * Display a news article on the UI. * * @param {Object} articleObject The article meta object. * @param {number} index The article index. */ function displayArticle(articleObject, index){ newsArticleTitle.innerHTML = articleObject.title newsArticleTitle.href = articleObject.link newsArticleAuthor.innerHTML = 'by ' + articleObject.author newsArticleDate.innerHTML = articleObject.date newsArticleComments.innerHTML = articleObject.comments newsArticleComments.href = articleObject.commentsLink newsArticleContentScrollable.innerHTML = '<div id="newsArticleContentWrapper"><div class="newsArticleSpacerTop"></div>' + articleObject.content + '<div class="newsArticleSpacerBot"></div></div>' Array.from(newsArticleContentScrollable.getElementsByClassName('bbCodeSpoilerButton')).forEach(v => { v.onclick = () => { const text = v.parentElement.getElementsByClassName('bbCodeSpoilerText')[0] text.style.display = text.style.display === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block' } }) newsNavigationStatus.innerHTML = index + ' of ' + newsArr.length newsContent.setAttribute('article', index-1) } /** * Load news information from the RSS feed specified in the * distribution index. */ function loadNews(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const distroData = DistroManager.getDistribution() const newsFeed = distroData.getRSS() const newsHost = new URL(newsFeed).origin + '/' $.ajax({ url: newsFeed, success: (data) => { const items = $(data).find('item') const articles = [] for(let i=0; i<items.length; i++){ // JQuery Element const el = $(items[i]) // Resolve date. const date = new Date(el.find('pubDate').text()).toLocaleDateString('en-US', {month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'}) // Resolve comments. let comments = el.find('slash\\:comments').text() || '0' comments = comments + ' Comment' + (comments === '1' ? '' : 's') // Fix relative links in content. let content = el.find('content\\:encoded').text() let regex = /src="(?!http:\/\/|https:\/\/)(.+?)"/g let matches while((matches = regex.exec(content))){ content = content.replace(`"${matches[1]}"`, `"${newsHost + matches[1]}"`) } let link = el.find('link').text() let title = el.find('title').text() let author = el.find('dc\\:creator').text() // Generate article. articles.push( { link, title, date, author, content, comments, commentsLink: link + '#comments' } ) } resolve({ articles }) }, timeout: 2500 }).catch(err => { resolve({ articles: null }) }) }) }