const cp = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const Registry = require('winreg') /** * WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on windows. */ async function _win32Validate(){ // Get possible paths from the registry. const pathSet = await _scanRegistry() console.log(Array.from(pathSet)) // DEBUGGING // Validate JAVA_HOME const jHome = _scanJavaHome() if(jHome != null && jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){ pathSet.add(jHome) } // Convert path set to an array for processing. const pathArr = Array.from(pathSet) console.log(pathArr) // DEBUGGING // TODO - Determine best candidate (based on version, etc). let res = await _validateBinary(pathArr[0]) // DEBUGGING console.log(res) // DEBUGGING } /** * Validates that a Java binary is at least 64 bit. This makes use of the non-standard * command line option -XshowSettings:properties. The output of this contains a property, * = ARCH, in which ARCH is either 32 or 64. This option is supported * in Java 8 and 9. Since this is a non-standard option. This will resolve to true if * the function's code throws errors. That would indicate that the option is changed or * removed. * * @param {string} binaryPath Path to the root of the java binary we wish to validate. * * @returns {Promise.} Resolves to false only if the test is successful and the result * is less than 64. */ function _validateBinary(binaryPath){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fBp = path.join(binaryPath, 'bin', 'java.exe') cp.exec('"' + fBp + '" -XshowSettings:properties', (err, stdout, stderr) => { try { // Output is stored in stderr? const res = stderr const props = res.split('\n') for(let i=0; i -1){ let arch = props[i].split('=')[1].trim() console.log(props[i].trim() + ' for ' + binaryPath) resolve(parseInt(arch) >= 64) } } // not found? // Disregard this test. resolve(true) } catch (err){ // Output format might have changed, validation cannot be completed. // Disregard this test in that case. resolve(true) } }) }) } /** * Checks for the presence of the environment variable JAVA_HOME. If it exits, we will check * to see if the value points to a path which exists. If the path exits, the path is returned. * * @returns {string} The path defined by JAVA_HOME, if it exists. Otherwise null. */ function _scanJavaHome(){ const jHome = process.env.JAVA_HOME try { let res = fs.existsSync(jHome) return res ? jHome : null } catch (err) { // Malformed JAVA_HOME property. return null } } /** * Scans the registry for 64-bit Java entries. The paths of each entry are added to * a set and returned. Currently, only Java 8 (1.8) is supported. * * @returns {Promise.>} A promise which resolves to a set of 64-bit Java root * paths found in the registry. */ function _scanRegistry(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Keys for Java v9.0.0 and later: // 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JRE' // 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JDK' // Forge does not yet support Java 9, therefore we do not. let cbTracker = 0 let cbAcc = 0 // Keys for Java 1.8 and prior: const regKeys = [ '\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment', '\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit' ] const candidates = new Set() for(let i=0; i { if(err){ console.error(err) if(i === regKeys.length-1){ resolve(candidates) } } else { cbTracker += javaVers.length if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbTracker === cbAcc){ resolve(candidates) } for(let j=0; j { const jHome = res.value if(jHome.indexOf('(x86)') == -1){ candidates.add(jHome) cbAcc++ } if(cbAcc === cbTracker){ resolve(candidates) } }) } } } }) } }) } /** * WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on macOS. */ function _darwinValidate(){ } /** * WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on linux. */ function _linuxValidate(){ } // This will eventually return something. async function validate(){ const opSys = process.platform if(opSys === 'win32'){ await _win32Validate() } else if(opSys === 'darwin'){ _darwinValidate() } else if(opSys === 'linux'){ _linuxValidate() } } validate() module.exports = { validate }