/** * Initialize UI functions which depend on internal modules. * Loaded after core UI functions are initialized in uicore.js. */ // Requirements const path = require('path') const ConfigManager = require('./assets/js/configmanager.js') let rscShouldLoad = false // Synchronous Listener document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(){ if (document.readyState === 'complete'){ if(rscShouldLoad){ if(ConfigManager.isFirstLaunch()){ $('#welcomeContainer').fadeIn(500) } else { $('#landingContainer').fadeIn(500) } } } /*if (document.readyState === 'interactive'){ }*/ }, false) // Actions that must be performed after the distribution index is downloaded. ipcRenderer.on('distributionIndexDone', (data) => { updateSelectedServer(AssetGuard.getServerById(ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory(), ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).name) refreshServerStatus() if(document.readyState === 'complete'){ if(ConfigManager.isFirstLaunch()){ $('#welcomeContainer').fadeIn(500) } else { $('#landingContainer').fadeIn(500) } } else { rscShouldLoad = true } })