const cp = require('child_process') const path = require('path') const {AssetGuard} = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetguard.js')) const ProcessBuilder = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'processbuilder.js')) const ConfigManager = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'configmanager.js')) const DiscordWrapper = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'discordwrapper.js')) const Mojang = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'mojang.js')) const AuthManager = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'authmanager.js')) let mojangStatusListener // Launch Elements let launch_content, launch_details, launch_progress, launch_progress_label, launch_details_text // Synchronous Listener document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(){ if (document.readyState === 'complete'){ if(ConfigManager.isFirstLaunch()){ $('#welcomeContainer').fadeIn(500) } else { $('#landingContainer').fadeIn(500) } } if (document.readyState === 'interactive'){ // Save a reference to the launch elements. launch_content = document.getElementById('launch_content') launch_details = document.getElementById('launch_details') launch_progress = document.getElementById('launch_progress') launch_progress_label = document.getElementById('launch_progress_label') launch_details_text = document.getElementById('launch_details_text') // Bind launch button document.getElementById('launch_button').addEventListener('click', function(e){ console.log('Launching game..') const jExe = ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable() if(jExe == null){ asyncSystemScan() } else { AssetGuard._validateJavaBinary(jExe).then((v) => { if(v){ dlAsync() } else { asyncSystemScan() } }) } }) // TODO convert this to dropdown menu. // Bind selected server document.getElementById('server_selection').innerHTML = '\u2022 ' + AssetGuard.getServerById(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).name // Update Mojang Status Color const refreshMojangStatuses = async function(){ console.log('Refreshing Mojang Statuses..') try { let status = 'grey' const statuses = await Mojang.status() greenCount = 0 for(let i=0; i { toggleOverlay(false) } } else { document.getElementById('overlayAcknowledge').onclick = handler } } /* Launch Progress Wrapper Functions */ /** * Show/hide the loading area. * * @param {boolean} loading True if the loading area should be shown, otherwise false. */ function toggleLaunchArea(loading){ if(loading){ = 'flex' = 'none' } else { = 'none' = 'inline-flex' } } /** * Set the details text of the loading area. * * @param {string} details The new text for the loading details. */ function setLaunchDetails(details){ launch_details_text.innerHTML = details } /** * Set the value of the loading progress bar and display that value. * * @param {number} value The progress value. * @param {number} max The total size. * @param {number|string} percent Optional. The percentage to display on the progress label. */ function setLaunchPercentage(value, max, percent = ((value/max)*100)){ launch_progress.setAttribute('max', max) launch_progress.setAttribute('value', value) launch_progress_label.innerHTML = percent + '%' } /** * Set the value of the OS progress bar and display that on the UI. * * @param {number} value The progress value. * @param {number} max The total download size. * @param {number|string} percent Optional. The percentage to display on the progress label. */ function setDownloadPercentage(value, max, percent = ((value/max)*100)){ remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(value/max) setLaunchPercentage(value, max, percent) } /* System (Java) Scan */ let sysAEx let scanAt function asyncSystemScan(){ setLaunchDetails('Please wait..') toggleLaunchArea(true) setLaunchPercentage(0, 100) sysAEx = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetexec.js'), [ ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable() ]) sysAEx.on('message', (m) => { if(m.content === 'validateJava'){ jPath = m.result console.log(m.result) sysAEx.disconnect() } }) setLaunchDetails('Checking system info..') sysAEx.send({task: 0, content: 'validateJava', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getLauncherDirectory()]}) } function overlayError(){ } // Keep reference to Minecraft Process let proc // Is DiscordRPC enabled let hasRPC = false // Joined server regex const servJoined = /[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/INFO\]: \[CHAT\] [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,16} joined the game/g const gameJoined = /\[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/WARN\]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:/g const gameJoined2 = /\[[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\] \[Client thread\/INFO\]: Created: \d+x\d+ textures-atlas/g let aEx let serv let versionData let forgeData function dlAsync(login = true){ // Login parameter is temporary for debug purposes. Allows testing the validation/downloads without // launching the game. if(login) { if(ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount() == null){ console.error('login first.') //in devtools AuthManager.addAccount(username, pass) return } } setLaunchDetails('Please wait..') toggleLaunchArea(true) setLaunchPercentage(0, 100) // Start AssetExec to run validations and downloads in a forked process. aEx = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetexec.js'), [ ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable() ]) // Establish communications between the AssetExec and current process. aEx.on('message', (m) => { if(m.content === 'validateDistribution'){ setLaunchPercentage(20, 100) serv = m.result console.log('Forge Validation Complete.') // Begin version load. setLaunchDetails('Loading version information..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'loadVersionData', argsArr: [serv.mc_version]}) } else if(m.content === 'loadVersionData'){ setLaunchPercentage(40, 100) versionData = m.result console.log('Version data loaded.') // Begin asset validation. setLaunchDetails('Validating asset integrity..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'validateAssets', argsArr: [versionData]}) } else if(m.content === 'validateAssets'){ setLaunchPercentage(60, 100) console.log('Asset Validation Complete') // Begin library validation. setLaunchDetails('Validating library integrity..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'validateLibraries', argsArr: [versionData]}) } else if(m.content === 'validateLibraries'){ setLaunchPercentage(80, 100) console.log('Library validation complete.') // Begin miscellaneous validation. setLaunchDetails('Validating miscellaneous file integrity..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'validateMiscellaneous', argsArr: [versionData]}) } else if(m.content === 'validateMiscellaneous'){ setLaunchPercentage(100, 100) console.log('File validation complete.') // Download queued files. setLaunchDetails('Downloading files..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'processDlQueues'}) } else if(m.content === 'dl'){ if(m.task === 0){ setDownloadPercentage(m.value,, m.percent) } else if(m.task === 1){ // Download will be at 100%, remove the loading from the OS progress bar. remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(-1) setLaunchDetails('Preparing to launch..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'loadForgeData', argsArr: []}) } else { console.error('Unknown download data type.', m) } } else if(m.content === 'loadForgeData'){ forgeData = m.result if(login) { //if(!(await AuthManager.validateSelected())){ // //} const authUser = ConfigManager.getSelectedAccount(); console.log('authu', authUser) let pb = new ProcessBuilder(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory(), serv, versionData, forgeData, authUser) setLaunchDetails('Launching game..') try { // Build Minecraft process. proc = setLaunchDetails('Done. Enjoy the server!') // Attach a temporary listener to the client output. // Will wait for a certain bit of text meaning that // the client application has started, and we can hide // the progress bar stuff. const tempListener = function(data){ if(data.indexOf('[Client thread/INFO]: -- System Details --') > -1){ toggleLaunchArea(false) if(hasRPC){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Loading game..') } proc.stdout.removeListener('data', tempListener) } } // Listener for Discord RPC. const gameStateChange = function(data){ if(servJoined.test(data)){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Exploring the Realm!') } else if(gameJoined.test(data)){ DiscordWrapper.updateDetails('Idling on Main Menu') } } // Bind listeners to stdout. proc.stdout.on('data', tempListener) proc.stdout.on('data', gameStateChange) // Init Discord Hook const distro = AssetGuard.retrieveDistributionDataSync(ConfigManager.getGameDirectory) if(distro.discord != null && serv.discord != null){ DiscordWrapper.initRPC(distro.discord, serv.discord) hasRPC = true proc.on('close', (code, signal) => { console.log('Shutting down Discord Rich Presence..') DiscordWrapper.shutdownRPC() hasRPC = false proc = null }) } } catch(err) { // Show that there was an error then hide the // progress area. Maybe switch this to an error // alert in the future. TODO setLaunchDetails('Error: See log for details..') console.log(err) setTimeout(function(){ toggleLaunchArea(false) }, 5000) } } // Disconnect from AssetExec aEx.disconnect() } }) // Begin Validations // Validate Forge files. setLaunchDetails('Loading server information..') aEx.send({task: 0, content: 'validateDistribution', argsArr: [ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()]}) }