{ "version": "1.0", "servers": [ { "id": "WesterosCraft-1.11.2", "name": "WesterosCraft Production Client", "news-feed": "http://www.westeroscraft.com/api/rss.php?preset_id=12700544", "icon-url": "http://mc.westeroscraft.com/WesterosCraftLauncher/files/server-prod.png", "revision": "0.0.1", "server-ip": "mc.westeroscraft.com", "mc-version": "1.11.2", "modules": [ { "id": "MODNAME", "name": "Mod Name version 1.11.2", "type": "forgemod", "_comment": "If no required is given, it will default to true. If a def(ault) is not give, it will default to true. If required is present it always expects a value.", "required": { "value": false, "def": false }, "artifact": { "size": 1234, "MD5": "e71e88c744588fdad48d3b3beb4935fc", "path": "forgemod path is appended to {basepath}/mods", "url": "http://mc.westeroscraft.com/WesterosCraftLauncher/files/1.11.2/somemod.jar" } }, { "_comment": "Forge is a special instance of library.", "id": "net.minecraftforge.forge.forge-universal:1.11.2-", "name": "Minecraft Forge 1.11.2-", "type": "forge", "artifact": { "size": 4123353, "MD5": "5b9105f1a8552beac0c8228203d994ae", "path": "net/minecraftforge/forge/1.11.2-", "url": "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.11.2-" } }, { "_comment": "library path is appended to {basepath}/libraries", "id": "net.optifine.optifine:1.11.2_HD_U_B8", "name": "Optifine 1.11.2 HD U B8", "type": "library", "artifact": { "size": 2050307, "MD5": "c18c80f8bfa2a440cc5af4ab8816bc4b", "path": "optifine/OptiFine/1.11.2_HD_U_B8/OptiFine-1.11.2_HD_U_B8.jar", "url": "http://optifine.net/download.php?f=OptiFine_1.11.2_HD_U_B8.jar" } }, { "id": "chatbubbles", "name": "Chat Bubbles 1.11.2", "type": "litemod", "required": { "value": false }, "artifact": { "size": 37838, "MD5": "0497a93e5429b43082282e9d9119fcba", "path": "litemod path is appended to {basepath}/mods/{mc-version}", "url": "http://mc.westeroscraft.com/WesterosCraftLauncher/files/1.11.2/mod_chatBubbles-1.0.1_for_1.11.2.litemod" }, "_comment": "Any module can declare submodules, even submodules.", "sub-modules": [ { "id": "customRegexes", "name": "Custom Regexes for Chat Bubbles", "type": "file", "artifact": { "size": 331, "MD5": "f21b4b325f09238a3d6b2103d54351ef", "path": "file path is appended to {basepath}", "url": "http://mc.westeroscraft.com/WesterosCraftLauncher/files/1.11.2/customRegexes.txt" } } ] } ] } ] }