/** * AssetGuard * * This module aims to provide a comprehensive and stable method for processing * and downloading game assets for the WesterosCraft server. A central object * stores download meta for several identifiers (categories). This meta data * is initially empty until one of the module's processing functions are called. * That function will process the corresponding asset index and validate any exisitng * local files. If a file is missing or fails validation, it will be placed into an * array which acts as a queue. This queue is wrapped in a download tracker object * so that essential information can be cached. The download tracker object is then * assigned as the value of the identifier in the central object. These download * trackers will remain idle until an async process is started to process them. * * Once the async process is started, any enqueued assets will be downloaded. The central * object will emit events throughout the download whose name correspond to the identifier * being processed. For example, if the 'assets' identifier was being processed, whenever * the download stream recieves data, the event 'assetsdlprogress' will be emitted off of * the central object instance. This can be listened to by external modules allowing for * categorical tracking of the downloading process. * * @module assetguard */ // Requirements const fs = require('fs') const request = require('request') const path = require('path') const mkpath = require('mkdirp'); const async = require('async') const crypto = require('crypto') const EventEmitter = require('events'); const {remote} = require('electron') // Classes /** Class representing a base asset. */ class Asset{ /** * Create an asset. * * @param {any} id - id of the asset. * @param {String} hash - hash value of the asset. * @param {Number} size - size in bytes of the asset. * @param {String} from - url where the asset can be found. * @param {String} to - absolute local file path of the asset. */ constructor(id, hash, size, from, to){ this.id = id this.hash = hash this.size = size this.from = from this.to = to } } /** Class representing a mojang library. */ class Library extends Asset{ /** * Converts the process.platform OS names to match mojang's OS names. */ static mojangFriendlyOS(){ const opSys = process.platform if (opSys === 'darwin') { return 'osx'; } else if (opSys === 'win32'){ return 'windows'; } else if (opSys === 'linux'){ return 'linux'; } else { return 'unknown_os'; } } /** * Checks whether or not a library is valid for download on a particular OS, following * the rule format specified in the mojang version data index. If the allow property has * an OS specified, then the library can ONLY be downloaded on that OS. If the disallow * property has instead specified an OS, the library can be downloaded on any OS EXCLUDING * the one specified. * * @param {Object} rules - the Library's download rules. * @returns {Boolean} - true if the Library follows the specified rules, otherwise false. */ static validateRules(rules){ if(rules == null) return true let result = true rules.forEach(function(rule){ const action = rule['action'] const osProp = rule['os'] if(action != null){ if(osProp != null){ const osName = osProp['name'] const osMoj = Library.mojangFriendlyOS() if(action === 'allow'){ result = osName === osMoj return } else if(action === 'disallow'){ result = osName !== osMoj return } } } }) return result } } /** * Class representing a download tracker. This is used to store meta data * about a download queue, including the queue itself. */ class DLTracker { /** * Create a DLTracker * * @param {Array.} dlqueue - an array containing assets queued for download. * @param {Number} dlsize - the combined size of each asset in the download queue array. */ constructor(dlqueue, dlsize){ this.dlqueue = dlqueue this.dlsize = dlsize } } /** * Central object class used for control flow. This object stores data about * categories of downloads. Each category is assigned an identifier with a * DLTracker object as its value. Combined information is also stored, such as * the total size of all the queued files in each category. This event is used * to emit events so that external modules can listen into processing done in * this module. */ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter{ /** * AssetGuard class should only ever have one instance which is defined in * this module. On creation the object's properties are never-null default * values. Each identifier is resolved to an empty DLTracker. */ constructor(){ super() this.totaldlsize = 0; this.progress = 0; this.assets = new DLTracker([], 0) this.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0) this.files = new DLTracker([], 0) } } /** * Global static final instance of AssetGuard */ const instance = new AssetGuard() // Utility Functions /** * Validate that a file exists and matches a given hash value. * * @param {String} filePath - the path of the file to validate. * @param {String} algo - the hash algorithm to check against. * @param {String} hash - the existing hash to check against. * @returns {Boolean} - true if the file exists and calculated hash matches the given hash, otherwise false. */ function validateLocal(filePath, algo, hash){ if(fs.existsSync(filePath)){ let fileName = path.basename(filePath) let shasum = crypto.createHash(algo) let content = fs.readFileSync(filePath) shasum.update(content) let calcdhash = shasum.digest('hex') return calcdhash === hash } return false; } /** * Initiate an async download process for an AssetGuard DLTracker. * * @param {String} identifier - the identifier of the AssetGuard DLTracker. * @param {Number} limit - optional. The number of async processes to run in parallel. * @returns {Boolean} - true if the process began, otherwise false. */ function startAsyncProcess(identifier, limit = 5){ let win = remote.getCurrentWindow() let acc = 0 const concurrentDlQueue = instance[identifier].dlqueue.slice(0) if(concurrentDlQueue.length === 0){ return false } else { async.eachLimit(concurrentDlQueue, limit, function(asset, cb){ mkpath.sync(path.join(asset.to, "..")) let req = request(asset.from) let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(asset.to) req.pipe(writeStream) req.on('data', function(chunk){ instance.progress += chunk.length acc += chunk.length instance.emit(identifier + 'dlprogress', acc) //console.log(identifier + ' Progress', acc/instance[identifier].dlsize) win.setProgressBar(instance.progress/instance.totaldlsize) }) writeStream.on('close', cb) }, function(err){ if(err){ instance.emit(identifier + 'dlerror') console.log('An item in ' + identifier + ' failed to process'); } else { instance.emit(identifier + 'dlcomplete') console.log('All ' + identifier + ' have been processed successfully') } instance.totaldlsize -= instance[identifier].dlsize instance[identifier] = new DLTracker([], 0) if(instance.totaldlsize === 0) { win.setProgressBar(-1) instance.emit('dlcomplete') } }) return true } } // Validation Functions /** * Loads the version data for a given minecraft version. * * @param {String} version - the game version for which to load the index data. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @param {Boolean} force - optional. If true, the version index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise.} - Promise which resolves to the version data object. */ function loadVersionData(version, basePath, force = false){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ const name = version + '.json' const url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/' + version + '/' + name const versionPath = path.join(basePath, 'versions', version) const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, name) if(!fs.existsSync(versionFile) || force){ //This download will never be tracked as it's essential and trivial. request.head(url, function(err, res, body){ console.log('Preparing download of ' + version + ' assets.') mkpath.sync(versionPath) const stream = request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(versionFile)) stream.on('finish', function(){ fulfill(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile))) }) }) } else { fulfill(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile))) } }) } /** * Public asset validation function. This function will handle the validation of assets. * It will parse the asset index specified in the version data, analyzing each * asset entry. In this analysis it will check to see if the local file exists and is valid. * If not, it will be added to the download queue for the 'assets' identifier. * * @param {Object} versionData - the version data for the assets. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @param {Boolean} force - optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function validateAssets(versionData, basePath, force = false){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ _assetChainIndexData(versionData, basePath, force).then(() => { fulfill() }) }) } //Chain the asset tasks to provide full async. The below functions are private. /** * Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function retrieves * the index data. * @param {Object} versionData * @param {String} basePath * @param {Boolean} force * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function _assetChainIndexData(versionData, basePath, force = false){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ //Asset index constants. const assetIndex = versionData.assetIndex const name = assetIndex.id + '.json' const indexPath = path.join(basePath, 'assets', 'indexes') const assetIndexLoc = path.join(indexPath, name) let data = null if(!fs.existsSync(assetIndexLoc) || force){ console.log('Downloading ' + versionData.id + ' asset index.') mkpath.sync(indexPath) const stream = request(assetIndex.url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(assetIndexLoc)) stream.on('finish', function() { data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8')) _assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, basePath, data).then(() => { fulfill() }) }) } else { data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8')) _assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, basePath, data).then(() => { fulfill() }) } }) } /** * Private function used to chain the asset validation process. This function processes * the assets and enqueues missing or invalid files. * @param {Object} versionData * @param {String} basePath * @param {Boolean} force * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function _assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, basePath, indexData){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ //Asset constants const resourceURL = 'http://resources.download.minecraft.net/' const localPath = path.join(basePath, 'assets') const indexPath = path.join(localPath, 'indexes') const objectPath = path.join(localPath, 'objects') const assetDlQueue = [] let dlSize = 0; //const objKeys = Object.keys(data.objects) async.forEachOfLimit(indexData.objects, 10, function(value, key, cb){ const hash = value.hash const assetName = path.join(hash.substring(0, 2), hash) const urlName = hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash const ast = new Asset(key, hash, String(value.size), resourceURL + urlName, path.join(objectPath, assetName)) if(!validateLocal(ast.to, 'sha1', ast.hash)){ dlSize += (ast.size*1) assetDlQueue.push(ast) } cb() }, function(err){ instance.assets = new DLTracker(assetDlQueue, dlSize) instance.totaldlsize += dlSize fulfill() }) }) } /** * Public library validation function. This function will handle the validation of libraries. * It will parse the version data, analyzing each library entry. In this analysis, it will * check to see if the local file exists and is valid. If not, it will be added to the download * queue for the 'libraries' identifier. * * @param {Object} versionData - the version data for the assets. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function validateLibraries(versionData, basePath){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ const libArr = versionData.libraries const libPath = path.join(basePath, 'libraries') const libDlQueue = [] let dlSize = 0 //Check validity of each library. If the hashs don't match, download the library. async.eachLimit(libArr, 5, function(lib, cb){ if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules)){ let artifact = (lib.natives == null) ? lib.downloads.artifact : lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()]] const libItm = new Library(lib.name, artifact.sha1, artifact.size, artifact.url, path.join(libPath, artifact.path)) if(!validateLocal(libItm.to, 'sha1', libItm.hash)){ dlSize += (libItm.size*1) libDlQueue.push(libItm) } } cb() }, function(err){ instance.libraries = new DLTracker(libDlQueue, dlSize) instance.totaldlsize += dlSize fulfill() }) }) } /** * Public miscellaneous mojang file validation function. These files will be enqueued under * the 'files' identifier. * * @param {Object} versionData - the version data for the assets. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function validateMiscellaneous(versionData, basePath){ return new Promise(async function(fulfill, reject){ await validateClient(versionData, basePath) await validateLogConfig(versionData, basePath) fulfill() }) } /** * Validate client file - artifact renamed from client.jar to '{version}'.jar. * * @param {Object} versionData - the version data for the assets. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @param {Boolean} force - optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function validateClient(versionData, basePath, force = false){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ const clientData = versionData.downloads.client const version = versionData.id const targetPath = path.join(basePath, 'versions', version) const targetFile = version + '.jar' let client = new Asset(version + ' client', clientData.sha1, clientData.size, clientData.url, path.join(targetPath, targetFile)) if(!validateLocal(client.to, 'sha1', client.hash) || force){ instance.files.dlqueue.push(client) instance.files.dlsize += client.size*1 fulfill() } else { fulfill() } }) } /** * Validate log config. * * @param {Object} versionData - the version data for the assets. * @param {String} basePath - the absolute file path which will be prepended to the given relative paths. * @param {Boolean} force - optional. If true, the asset index will be downloaded even if it exists locally. Defaults to false. * @returns {Promise.} - An empty promise to indicate the async processing has completed. */ function validateLogConfig(versionData, basePath){ return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){ const client = versionData.logging.client const file = client.file const targetPath = path.join(basePath, 'assets', 'log_configs') let logConfig = new Asset(file.id, file.sha1, file.size, file.url, path.join(targetPath, file.id)) if(!validateLocal(logConfig.to, 'sha1', logConfig.hash)){ instance.files.dlqueue.push(logConfig) instance.files.dlsize += client.size*1 fulfill() } else { fulfill() } }) } /** * This function will initiate the download processed for the specified identifiers. If no argument is * given, all identifiers will be initiated. Note that in order for files to be processed you need to run * the processing function corresponding to that identifier. If you run this function without processing * the files, it is likely nothing will be enqueued in the global object and processing will complete * immediately. Once all downloads are complete, this function will fire the 'dlcomplete' event on the * global object instance. * * @param {Array.<{id: string, limit: number}>} identifiers - optional. The identifiers to process and corresponding parallel async task limit. */ function processDlQueues(identifiers = [{id:'assets', limit:20}, {id:'libraries', limit:5}, {id:'files', limit:5}]){ this.progress = 0; let win = remote.getCurrentWindow() let shouldFire = true for(let i=0; i