Compare commits


3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Daniel Scalzi
Reference prerelease lib versions. 2023-03-18 03:19:43 -04:00
Daniel Scalzi
bugfix. 2023-03-18 03:05:37 -04:00
Daniel Scalzi
Integrate java download with AG2, remove AG1. 2023-03-18 02:49:10 -04:00
6 changed files with 361 additions and 945 deletions

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
let target = require('./assetguard')[process.argv[2]]
if(target == null){
process.send({context: 'error', data: null, error: 'Invalid class name'})
console.error('Invalid class name passed to argv[2], cannot continue.')
let tracker = new target(...(process.argv.splice(3)))
const { LoggerUtil } = require('helios-core')
const logger = LoggerUtil.getLogger('AssetExec')
//const tracker = new AssetGuard(process.argv[2], process.argv[3])'AssetExec Started')
// Temporary for debug purposes.
process.on('unhandledRejection', r => console.log(r))
let percent = 0
function assignListeners(){
tracker.on('validate', (data) => {
process.send({context: 'validate', data})
tracker.on('progress', (data, acc, total) => {
const currPercent = parseInt((acc/total) * 100)
if (currPercent !== percent) {
percent = currPercent
process.send({context: 'progress', data, value: acc, total, percent})
tracker.on('complete', (data, ...args) => {
process.send({context: 'complete', data, args})
tracker.on('error', (data, error) => {
process.send({context: 'error', data, error})
process.on('message', (msg) => {
if(msg.task === 'execute'){
const func = msg.function
let nS = tracker[func] // Nonstatic context
let iS = target[func] // Static context
if(typeof nS === 'function' || typeof iS === 'function'){
const f = typeof nS === 'function' ? nS : iS
const res = f.apply(f === nS ? tracker : null, msg.argsArr)
if(res instanceof Promise){
res.then((v) => {
process.send({result: v, context: func})
}).catch((err) => {
process.send({result: err.message || err, context: func})
} else {
process.send({result: res, context: func})
} else {
process.send({context: 'error', data: null, error: `Function ${func} not found on ${process.argv[2]}`})
} else if(msg.task === 'changeContext'){
target = require('./assetguard')[msg.class]
if(target == null){
process.send({context: 'error', data: null, error: `Invalid class ${msg.class}`})
} else {
tracker = new target(...(msg.args))
process.on('disconnect', () => {'AssetExec Disconnected')

View File

@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
// Requirements
const async = require('async')
const child_process = require('child_process')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const { LoggerUtil } = require('helios-core')
const { javaExecFromRoot, latestOpenJDK } = require('helios-core/java')
const StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip')
const path = require('path')
const request = require('request')
const tar = require('tar-fs')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const isDev = require('./isdev')
// Classes
/** Class representing a base asset. */
class Asset {
* Create an asset.
* @param {any} id The id of the asset.
* @param {string} hash The hash value of the asset.
* @param {number} size The size in bytes of the asset.
* @param {string} from The url where the asset can be found.
* @param {string} to The absolute local file path of the asset.
constructor(id, hash, size, from, to){ = id
this.hash = hash
this.size = size
this.from = from = to
* Class representing a download tracker. This is used to store meta data
* about a download queue, including the queue itself.
class DLTracker {
* Create a DLTracker
* @param {Array.<Asset>} dlqueue An array containing assets queued for download.
* @param {number} dlsize The combined size of each asset in the download queue array.
* @param {function(Asset)} callback Optional callback which is called when an asset finishes downloading.
constructor(dlqueue, dlsize, callback = null){
this.dlqueue = dlqueue
this.dlsize = dlsize
this.callback = callback
class Util {
* Returns true if the actual version is greater than
* or equal to the desired version.
* @param {string} desired The desired version.
* @param {string} actual The actual version.
static mcVersionAtLeast(desired, actual){
const des = desired.split('.')
const act = actual.split('.')
for(let i=0; i<des.length; i++){
if(!(parseInt(act[i]) >= parseInt(des[i]))){
return false
return true
* Central object class used for control flow. This object stores data about
* categories of downloads. Each category is assigned an identifier with a
* DLTracker object as its value. Combined information is also stored, such as
* the total size of all the queued files in each category. This event is used
* to emit events so that external modules can listen into processing done in
* this module.
class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
static logger = LoggerUtil.getLogger('AssetGuard')
* Create an instance of AssetGuard.
* On creation the object's properties are never-null default
* values. Each identifier is resolved to an empty DLTracker.
* @param {string} commonPath The common path for shared game files.
* @param {string} javaexec The path to a java executable which will be used
* to finalize installation.
constructor(commonPath, javaexec){
this.totaldlsize = 0
this.progress = 0
this.assets = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.files = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.forge = new DLTracker([], 0) = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.extractQueue = []
this.commonPath = commonPath
this.javaexec = javaexec
// Static Utility Functions
// #region
// Static Hash Validation Functions
// #region
* Calculates the hash for a file using the specified algorithm.
* @param {Buffer} buf The buffer containing file data.
* @param {string} algo The hash algorithm.
* @returns {string} The calculated hash in hex.
static _calculateHash(buf, algo){
return crypto.createHash(algo).update(buf).digest('hex')
* Validate that a file exists and matches a given hash value.
* @param {string} filePath The path of the file to validate.
* @param {string} algo The hash algorithm to check against.
* @param {string} hash The existing hash to check against.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file exists and calculated hash matches the given hash, otherwise false.
static _validateLocal(filePath, algo, hash){
//No hash provided, have to assume it's good.
if(hash == null){
return true
let buf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
let calcdhash = AssetGuard._calculateHash(buf, algo)
return calcdhash === hash.toLowerCase()
return false
// #endregion
// Miscellaneous Static Functions
// #region
* Extracts and unpacks a file from .pack.xz format.
* @param {Array.<string>} filePaths The paths of the files to be extracted and unpacked.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} An empty promise to indicate the extraction has completed.
static _extractPackXZ(filePaths, javaExecutable){
const extractLogger = LoggerUtil.getLogger('PackXZExtract')'Starting')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let libPath
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
} else {
if(process.platform === 'darwin'){
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(),'Contents', 'Resources', 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
} else {
libPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'resources', 'libraries', 'java', 'PackXZExtract.jar')
const filePath = filePaths.join(',')
const child = child_process.spawn(javaExecutable, ['-jar', libPath, '-packxz', filePath])
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {'utf8'))
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {'utf8'))
child.on('close', (code, signal) => {'Exited with code', code)
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Java (Category=''') Validation (download) Functions
// #region
_enqueueOpenJDK(dataDir, mcVersion){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const major = Util.mcVersionAtLeast('1.17', mcVersion) ? '17' : '8'
latestOpenJDK(major).then(verData => {
if(verData != null){
dataDir = path.join(dataDir, 'runtime', 'x64')
const fDir = path.join(dataDir,
const jre = new Asset(, null, verData.size, verData.uri, fDir) = new DLTracker([jre], jre.size, (a, self) => {
this._extractJdkZip(, dataDir, self)
} else {
// Tar.gz
let h = null
.on('error', err => AssetGuard.logger.error(err))
.on('error', err => AssetGuard.logger.error(err))
.pipe(tar.extract(dataDir, {
map: (header) => {
if(h == null){
h =
.on('error', err => AssetGuard.logger.error(err))
.on('finish', () => {
fs.unlink(, err => {
if(h.indexOf('/') > -1){
h = h.substring(0, h.indexOf('/'))
const pos = path.join(dataDir, h)
self.emit('complete', 'java', javaExecFromRoot(pos))
} else {
async _extractJdkZip(zipPath, runtimeDir, self) {
const zip = new StreamZip.async({
file: zipPath,
storeEntries: true
let pos = ''
try {
const entries = await zip.entries()
pos = path.join(runtimeDir, Object.keys(entries)[0])'Extracting jdk..')
await zip.extract(null, runtimeDir)'Cleaning up..')
await fs.remove(zipPath)'Jdk extraction complete.')
} catch(err) {
} finally {
self.emit('complete', 'java', javaExecFromRoot(pos))
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Control Flow Functions
// #region
* Initiate an async download process for an AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {string} identifier The identifier of the AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {number} limit Optional. The number of async processes to run in parallel.
* @returns {boolean} True if the process began, otherwise false.
startAsyncProcess(identifier, limit = 5){
const self = this
const dlTracker = this[identifier]
const dlQueue = dlTracker.dlqueue
if(dlQueue.length > 0){'DLQueue', dlQueue)
async.eachLimit(dlQueue, limit, (asset, cb) => {
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(, '..'))
let req = request(asset.from)
req.on('response', (resp) => {
if(resp.statusCode === 200){
let doHashCheck = false
const contentLength = parseInt(resp.headers['content-length'])
if(contentLength !== asset.size){
AssetGuard.logger.warn(`WARN: Got ${contentLength} bytes for ${}: Expected ${asset.size}`)
doHashCheck = true
// Adjust download
this.totaldlsize -= asset.size
this.totaldlsize += contentLength
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(
writeStream.on('close', () => {
if(dlTracker.callback != null){
dlTracker.callback.apply(dlTracker, [asset, self])
const v = AssetGuard._validateLocal(, asset.type != null ? 'md5' : 'sha1', asset.hash)
AssetGuard.logger.warn(`Hashes match for ${}, byte mismatch is an issue in the distro index.`)
} else {
AssetGuard.logger.error(`Hashes do not match, ${} may be corrupted.`)
} else {
AssetGuard.logger.error(`Failed to download ${}(${typeof asset.from === 'object' ? asset.from.url : asset.from}). Response code ${resp.statusCode}`)
self.progress += asset.size*1
self.emit('progress', 'download', self.progress, self.totaldlsize)
req.on('error', (err) => {
self.emit('error', 'download', err)
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
self.progress += chunk.length
self.emit('progress', 'download', self.progress, self.totaldlsize)
}, (err) => {
AssetGuard.logger.warn('An item in ' + identifier + ' failed to process')
} else {'All ' + identifier + ' have been processed successfully')
//self.totaldlsize -= dlTracker.dlsize
//self.progress -= dlTracker.dlsize
self[identifier] = new DLTracker([], 0)
if(self.progress >= self.totaldlsize) {
if(self.extractQueue.length > 0){
self.emit('progress', 'extract', 1, 1)
AssetGuard._extractPackXZ(self.extractQueue, self.javaexec).then(() => {
self.extractQueue = []
self.emit('complete', 'download')
} else {
self.emit('complete', 'download')
return true
} else {
return false
* This function will initiate the download processed for the specified identifiers. If no argument is
* given, all identifiers will be initiated. Note that in order for files to be processed you need to run
* the processing function corresponding to that identifier. If you run this function without processing
* the files, it is likely nothing will be enqueued in the object and processing will complete
* immediately. Once all downloads are complete, this function will fire the 'complete' event on the
* global object instance.
* @param {Array.<{id: string, limit: number}>} identifiers Optional. The identifiers to process and corresponding parallel async task limit.
processDlQueues(identifiers = [{id:'assets', limit:20}, {id:'libraries', limit:5}, {id:'files', limit:5}, {id:'forge', limit:5}]){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let shouldFire = true
// Assign dltracking variables.
this.totaldlsize = 0
this.progress = 0
for(let iden of identifiers){
this.totaldlsize += this[].dlsize
this.once('complete', (data) => {
for(let iden of identifiers){
let r = this.startAsyncProcess(, iden.limit)
if(r) shouldFire = false
this.emit('complete', 'download')
// #endregion
module.exports = {

View File

@ -12,19 +12,21 @@ const {
const {
} = require('helios-core/common')
const {
} = require('helios-core/dl')
const {
} = require('helios-core/java')
// Internal Requirements
@ -99,25 +101,25 @@ function setLaunchEnabled(val){
// Bind launch button
document.getElementById('launch_button').addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
document.getElementById('launch_button').addEventListener('click', async e => {'Launching game..')
const mcVersion = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).rawServer.minecraftVersion
const server = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
const mcVersion = server.rawServer.minecraftVersion
const jExe = ConfigManager.getJavaExecutable(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
if(jExe == null){
await asyncSystemScan(mcVersion)
await asyncSystemScan(server.effectiveJavaOptions)
} else {
setLaunchPercentage(0, 100)
// TODO Update to use semver range
const details = await validateSelectedJvm(ensureJavaDirIsRoot(execPath), getDefaultSemverRange(mcVer))
const details = await validateSelectedJvm(ensureJavaDirIsRoot(jExe), server.effectiveJavaOptions.supported)
if(details != null){'Jvm Details', details)
await dlAsync()
} else {
await asyncSystemScan(mcVersion)
await asyncSystemScan(server.effectiveJavaOptions)
@ -290,25 +292,20 @@ function showLaunchFailure(title, desc){
/* System (Java) Scan */
let extractListener
* Asynchronously scan the system for valid Java installations.
* @param {string} mcVersion The Minecraft version we are scanning for.
* @param {boolean} launchAfter Whether we should begin to launch after scanning.
async function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){
async function asyncSystemScan(effectiveJavaOptions, launchAfter = true){
setLaunchDetails('Checking system info..')
setLaunchPercentage(0, 100)
const javaVer = mcVersionAtLeast('1.17', mcVersion) ? '17' : '8'
const jvmDetails = await discoverBestJvmInstallation(
if(jvmDetails == null) {
@ -316,15 +313,14 @@ async function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){
// Show this information to the user.
'No Compatible<br>Java Installation Found',
`In order to join WesterosCraft, you need a 64-bit installation of Java ${javaVer}. Would you like us to install a copy?`,
`In order to join WesterosCraft, you need a 64-bit installation of Java ${effectiveJavaOptions.suggestedMajor}. Would you like us to install a copy?`,
'Install Java',
'Install Manually'
setOverlayHandler(() => {
setLaunchDetails('Preparing Java Download..')
// TODO Kick off JDK download.
downloadJava(effectiveJavaOptions, launchAfter)
setDismissHandler(() => {
@ -332,7 +328,7 @@ async function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){
'Java is Required<br>to Launch',
`A valid x64 installation of Java ${javaVer} is required to launch.<br><br>Please refer to our <a href="">Java Management Guide</a> for instructions on how to manually install Java.`,
`A valid x64 installation of Java ${effectiveJavaOptions.suggestedMajor} is required to launch.<br><br>Please refer to our <a href="">Java Management Guide</a> for instructions on how to manually install Java.`,
'I Understand',
'Go Back'
@ -343,9 +339,7 @@ async function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){
setDismissHandler(() => {
toggleOverlay(false, true)
// TODO Change this flow
// Should be a separate function probably.
asyncSystemScan(effectiveJavaOptions, launchAfter)
@ -362,95 +356,73 @@ async function asyncSystemScan(mcVersion, launchAfter = true){
settingsJavaExecVal.value = javaExec
await populateJavaExecDetails(settingsJavaExecVal.value)
// TODO Callback hell, refactor
// TODO Move this out, separate concerns.
await dlAsync()
// TODO Integrate into assetguard 2.
// if(m.context === '_enqueueOpenJDK'){
// if(m.result === true){
// // Oracle JRE enqueued successfully, begin download.
// setLaunchDetails('Downloading Java..')
// sysAEx.send({task: 'execute', function: 'processDlQueues', argsArr: [[{id:'java', limit:1}]]})
async function downloadJava(effectiveJavaOptions, launchAfter = true) {
// } else {
// TODO Error handling.
// asset can be null.
const asset = await latestOpenJDK(
// // Oracle JRE enqueue failed. Probably due to a change in their website format.
// // User will have to follow the guide to install Java.
// setOverlayContent(
// 'Unexpected Issue:<br>Java Download Failed',
// 'Unfortunately we\'ve encountered an issue while attempting to install Java. You will need to manually install a copy. Please check out our <a href="">Troubleshooting Guide</a> for more details and instructions.',
// 'I Understand'
// )
// setOverlayHandler(() => {
// toggleOverlay(false)
// toggleLaunchArea(false)
// })
// toggleOverlay(true)
// sysAEx.disconnect()
let received = 0
await downloadFile(asset.url, asset.path, ({ transferred }) => {
received = transferred
// }
if(received != asset.size) {
loggerLanding.warn(`Java Download: Expected ${asset.size} bytes but received ${received}`)
if(!await validateLocalFile(asset.path, asset.algo, asset.hash)) {
log.error(`Hashes do not match, ${} may be corrupted.`)
// } else if(m.context === 'progress'){
// TODO Make error handling graceful.
throw new Error('JDK download had problems')
// switch({
// case 'download':
// // Downloading..
// setDownloadPercentage(m.value,, m.percent)
// break
// }
// Extract
// Show installing progress bar.
// } else if(m.context === 'complete'){
// Wait for extration to complete.
const eLStr = 'Extracting Java'
let dotStr = ''
const extractListener = setInterval(() => {
if(dotStr.length >= 3){
dotStr = ''
} else {
dotStr += '.'
setLaunchDetails(eLStr + dotStr)
}, 750)
// switch({
// case 'download': {
// // Show installing progress bar.
// remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(2)
const newJavaExec = await extractJdk(asset.path)
// // Wait for extration to complete.
// const eLStr = 'Extracting'
// let dotStr = ''
// setLaunchDetails(eLStr)
// extractListener = setInterval(() => {
// if(dotStr.length >= 3){
// dotStr = ''
// } else {
// dotStr += '.'
// }
// setLaunchDetails(eLStr + dotStr)
// }, 750)
// break
// }
// case 'java':
// // Download & extraction complete, remove the loading from the OS progress bar.
// remote.getCurrentWindow().setProgressBar(-1)
// Extraction complete, remove the loading from the OS progress bar.
// // Extraction completed successfully.
// ConfigManager.setJavaExecutable(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer(), m.args[0])
// Extraction completed successfully.
ConfigManager.setJavaExecutable(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer(), newJavaExec)
// if(extractListener != null){
// clearInterval(extractListener)
// extractListener = null
// }
setLaunchDetails('Java Installed!')
// setLaunchDetails('Java Installed!')
// if(launchAfter){
// await dlAsync()
// }
// sysAEx.disconnect()
// break
// }
// } else if(m.context === 'error'){
// console.log(m.error)
// }
// TODO Callback hell
// Refactor the launch functions
asyncSystemScan(effectiveJavaOptions, launchAfter)
@ -513,7 +485,7 @@ async function dlAsync(login = true) {
fullRepairModule.childProcess.on('close', (code, _signal) => {
if(code !== 0){
loggerLaunchSuite.error(`AssetExec exited with code ${code}, assuming error.`)
loggerLaunchSuite.error(`Full Repair Module exited with code ${code}, assuming error.`)
showLaunchFailure('Error During Launch', 'See console (CTRL + Shift + i) for more details.')

View File

@ -1349,13 +1349,12 @@ function populateMemoryStatus(){
* @param {string} execPath The executable path to populate against.
async function populateJavaExecDetails(execPath){
const mcVer = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).rawServer.minecraftVersion
const server = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
// TODO Update to use semver range
const details = await validateSelectedJvm(ensureJavaDirIsRoot(execPath), getDefaultSemverRange(mcVer))
const details = await validateSelectedJvm(ensureJavaDirIsRoot(execPath), server.effectiveJavaOptions.supported)
if(details != null) {
settingsJavaExecDetails.innerHTML = `Selected: Java ${details.semverStr} (${vendor})`
settingsJavaExecDetails.innerHTML = `Selected: Java ${details.semverStr} (${details.vendor})`
} else {
settingsJavaExecDetails.innerHTML = 'Invalid Selection'
@ -1363,23 +1362,26 @@ async function populateJavaExecDetails(execPath){
// TODO Update to use semver range
async function populateJavaReqDesc() {
const mcVer = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).rawServer.minecraftVersion
if(mcVersionAtLeast('1.17', mcVer)) {
settingsJavaReqDesc.innerHTML = 'Requires Java 17 x64.'
} else {
settingsJavaReqDesc.innerHTML = 'Requires Java 8 x64.'
const server = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
settingsJavaReqDesc.innerHTML = `Requires Java ${server.effectiveJavaOptions.suggestedMajor} x64.`
// TODO Update to use semver range
async function populateJvmOptsLink() {
const mcVer = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer()).rawServer.minecraftVersion
if(mcVersionAtLeast('1.17', mcVer)) {
settingsJvmOptsLink.innerHTML = 'Available Options for Java 17 (HotSpot VM)'
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = ''
} else {
settingsJvmOptsLink.innerHTML = 'Available Options for Java 8 (HotSpot VM)'
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = `${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : 'unix'}/java.html`
const server = (await DistroAPI.getDistribution()).getServerById(ConfigManager.getSelectedServer())
const major = server.effectiveJavaOptions.suggestedMajor
settingsJvmOptsLink.innerHTML = `Available Options for Java ${major} (HotSpot VM)`
if(major >= 12) {
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = `${major}/docs/specs/man/java.html#extra-options-for-java`
else if(major >= 11) {
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = ''
else if(major >= 9) {
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = `${major}/tools/java.htm`
else {
settingsJvmOptsLink.href = `${major}/docs/technotes/tools/${process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : 'unix'}/java.html`

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -19,12 +19,10 @@
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@ -35,6 +33,24 @@
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@ -419,6 +435,11 @@
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"node_modules/@types/verror": {
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"resolved": "",
@ -501,6 +522,7 @@
"version": "6.12.6",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==",
"dev": true,
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"fast-json-stable-stringify": "^2.0.0",
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