Major improvements to distribution index loading.
Implemented new transitional UI for startup.
If **no** distribution index is loaded on startup, completion of startup will be prevented and the user will be shown a message displaying the issue.
Launch errors are now shown as overlays.
Many more minor fixes and enhancements.
Added News UI and implemented functionality.
Removed westeroscraft.xml as we don't need to cache it.
Updated westeroscraft.json.
Updated Electron to v2.0.0
When a user attemps to launch, the configured Java executable will be validated. If it is invalid, we will look for a valid installation. If no valid installation is found, the user will be prompted with an option to install Java. An option to decline needs to be added. If they choose to install, it will download, extract, and update the executable in the config. The game will then be launched.
Also added progress tracking for asset validations, as they can potentially take a bit longer. Showing progress assures the user that the program isn't stuck or broken.
Fixed an issue with concurrency when there are no downloads queued on launch. Added support for static function execution in AssetExec. Fixed a binding issue in uicore.js caused by delayed div loading. For now the solution is just hard coding in the value, will probably switch these two a css file later on. Included the launcher's x64 runtime directory in Java scans.