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synced 2025-02-22 18:13:54 -08:00
First phase of moving Java validation code to assetguard.js
Static utility functions have been moved. Functions which handle Java downloads will be moved next. AssetGuard is becoming a lengthy file, to cope with this I've added region comments so that specific sections can be collapsed and expanded when needed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const EventEmitter = require('events')
const fs = require('fs')
const mkpath = require('mkdirp');
const path = require('path')
const Registry = require('winreg')
const request = require('request')
// Classes
@ -173,17 +174,22 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
constructor(basePath, javaexec){
this.totaldlsize = 0;
this.progress = 0;
this.totaldlsize = 0
this.progress = 0
this.assets = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.files = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.forge = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.java = new DLTracker([], 0)
this.basePath = basePath
this.javaexec = javaexec
// Static Utility Functions
// #region
// Static General Resolve Functions
// #region
* Resolve an artifact id into a path. For example, on windows
@ -225,6 +231,11 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
return cs.join('/')
// #endregion
// Static Hash Validation Functions
// #region
* Calculates the hash for a file using the specified algorithm.
@ -278,6 +289,76 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
return false;
* Validates a file in the style used by forge's version index.
* @param {string} filePath The path of the file to validate.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file exists and the hashes match, otherwise false.
static _validateForgeChecksum(filePath, checksums){
if(checksums == null || checksums.length === 0){
return true
let buf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
let calcdhash = AssetGuard._calculateHash(buf, 'sha1')
let valid = checksums.includes(calcdhash)
if(!valid && filePath.endsWith('.jar')){
valid = AssetGuard._validateForgeJar(filePath, checksums)
return valid
return false
* Validates a forge jar file dependency who declares a checksums.sha1 file.
* This can be an expensive task as it usually requires that we calculate thousands
* of hashes.
* @param {Buffer} buf The buffer of the jar file.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if all hashes declared in the checksums.sha1 file match the actual hashes.
static _validateForgeJar(buf, checksums){
// Double pass method was the quickest I found. I tried a version where we store data
// to only require a single pass, plus some quick cleanup but that seemed to take slightly more time.
const hashes = {}
let expected = {}
const zip = new AdmZip(buf)
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
//First pass
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
let entry = zipEntries[i]
if(entry.entryName === 'checksums.sha1'){
expected = AssetGuard._parseChecksumsFile(zip.readAsText(entry))
hashes[entry.entryName] = AssetGuard._calculateHash(entry.getData(), 'sha1')
return false
//Check against expected
const expectedEntries = Object.keys(expected)
for(let i=0; i<expectedEntries.length; i++){
if(expected[expectedEntries[i]] !== hashes[expectedEntries[i]]){
return false
return true
// #endregion
// Static Distribution Index Functions
// #region
* Statically retrieve the distribution data.
@ -361,70 +442,10 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
return serv
* Validates a file in the style used by forge's version index.
* @param {string} filePath The path of the file to validate.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if the file exists and the hashes match, otherwise false.
static _validateForgeChecksum(filePath, checksums){
if(checksums == null || checksums.length === 0){
return true
let buf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
let calcdhash = AssetGuard._calculateHash(buf, 'sha1')
let valid = checksums.includes(calcdhash)
if(!valid && filePath.endsWith('.jar')){
valid = AssetGuard._validateForgeJar(filePath, checksums)
return valid
return false
// #endregion
* Validates a forge jar file dependency who declares a checksums.sha1 file.
* This can be an expensive task as it usually requires that we calculate thousands
* of hashes.
* @param {Buffer} buf The buffer of the jar file.
* @param {Array.<string>} checksums The checksums listed in the forge version index.
* @returns {boolean} True if all hashes declared in the checksums.sha1 file match the actual hashes.
static _validateForgeJar(buf, checksums){
// Double pass method was the quickest I found. I tried a version where we store data
// to only require a single pass, plus some quick cleanup but that seemed to take slightly more time.
const hashes = {}
let expected = {}
const zip = new AdmZip(buf)
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
//First pass
for(let i=0; i<zipEntries.length; i++){
let entry = zipEntries[i]
if(entry.entryName === 'checksums.sha1'){
expected = AssetGuard._parseChecksumsFile(zip.readAsText(entry))
hashes[entry.entryName] = AssetGuard._calculateHash(entry.getData(), 'sha1')
return false
//Check against expected
const expectedEntries = Object.keys(expected)
for(let i=0; i<expectedEntries.length; i++){
if(expected[expectedEntries[i]] !== hashes[expectedEntries[i]]){
return false
return true
// Miscellaneous Static Functions
// #region
* Extracts and unpacks a file from .pack.xz format.
@ -488,73 +509,244 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
// Static Java Utility
// #region
* Initiate an async download process for an AssetGuard DLTracker.
* Validates that a Java binary is at least 64 bit. This makes use of the non-standard
* command line option -XshowSettings:properties. The output of this contains a property,
* sun.arch.data.model = ARCH, in which ARCH is either 32 or 64. This option is supported
* in Java 8 and 9. Since this is a non-standard option. This will resolve to true if
* the function's code throws errors. That would indicate that the option is changed or
* removed.
* @param {string} identifier The identifier of the AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {number} limit Optional. The number of async processes to run in parallel.
* @returns {boolean} True if the process began, otherwise false.
* @param {string} binaryPath Path to the root of the java binary we wish to validate.
* @returns {Promise.<boolean>} Resolves to false only if the test is successful and the result
* is less than 64.
startAsyncProcess(identifier, limit = 5){
const self = this
let acc = 0
const concurrentDlTracker = this[identifier]
const concurrentDlQueue = concurrentDlTracker.dlqueue.slice(0)
if(concurrentDlQueue.length === 0){
return false
} else {
async.eachLimit(concurrentDlQueue, limit, function(asset, cb){
let count = 0;
mkpath.sync(path.join(asset.to, ".."))
let req = request(asset.from)
req.on('response', (resp) => {
if(resp.statusCode === 200){
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(asset.to)
writeStream.on('close', () => {
//console.log('DLResults ' + asset.size + ' ' + count + ' ', asset.size === count)
if(concurrentDlTracker.callback != null){
concurrentDlTracker.callback.apply(concurrentDlTracker, [asset])
static _validateJavaBinary(binaryPath){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fBp = path.join(binaryPath, 'bin', 'java.exe')
child_process.exec('"' + fBp + '" -XshowSettings:properties', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
try {
// Output is stored in stderr?
const res = stderr
const props = res.split('\n')
for(let i=0; i<props.length; i++){
if(props[i].indexOf('sun.arch.data.model') > -1){
let arch = props[i].split('=')[1].trim()
console.log(props[i].trim() + ' for ' + binaryPath)
resolve(parseInt(arch) >= 64)
} else {
console.log('Failed to download ' + asset.from + '. Response code', resp.statusCode)
self.progress += asset.size*1
self.emit('totaldlprogress', {acc: self.progress, total: self.totaldlsize})
// sun.arch.data.model not found?
// Disregard this test.
} catch (err){
// Output format might have changed, validation cannot be completed.
// Disregard this test in that case.
req.on('data', function(chunk){
count += chunk.length
self.progress += chunk.length
acc += chunk.length
self.emit(identifier + 'dlprogress', acc)
self.emit('totaldlprogress', {acc: self.progress, total: self.totaldlsize})
}, function(err){
self.emit(identifier + 'dlerror')
console.log('An item in ' + identifier + ' failed to process');
} else {
self.emit(identifier + 'dlcomplete')
console.log('All ' + identifier + ' have been processed successfully')
self.totaldlsize -= self[identifier].dlsize
self.progress -= self[identifier].dlsize
self[identifier] = new DLTracker([], 0)
if(self.totaldlsize === 0) {
return true
} else {
* Checks for the presence of the environment variable JAVA_HOME. If it exits, we will check
* to see if the value points to a path which exists. If the path exits, the path is returned.
* @returns {string} The path defined by JAVA_HOME, if it exists. Otherwise null.
static _scanJavaHome(){
const jHome = process.env.JAVA_HOME
try {
let res = fs.existsSync(jHome)
return res ? jHome : null
} catch (err) {
// Malformed JAVA_HOME property.
return null
* Scans the registry for 64-bit Java entries. The paths of each entry are added to
* a set and returned. Currently, only Java 8 (1.8) is supported.
* @returns {Promise.<Set.<string>>} A promise which resolves to a set of 64-bit Java root
* paths found in the registry.
static _scanRegistry(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Keys for Java v9.0.0 and later:
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JRE'
// 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\JDK'
// Forge does not yet support Java 9, therefore we do not.
let cbTracker = 0
let cbAcc = 0
// Keys for Java 1.8 and prior:
const regKeys = [
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment',
'\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit'
const candidates = new Set()
for(let i=0; i<regKeys.length; i++){
const key = new Registry({
hive: Registry.HKLM,
key: regKeys[i],
arch: 'x64'
key.keyExists((err, exists) => {
if(exists) {
key.keys((err, javaVers) => {
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbAcc === cbTracker){
} else {
cbTracker += javaVers.length
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbTracker === cbAcc){
} else {
for(let j=0; j<javaVers.length; j++){
const javaVer = javaVers[j]
const vKey = javaVer.key.substring(javaVer.key.lastIndexOf('\\')+1)
// Only Java 8 is supported currently.
if(parseFloat(vKey) === 1.8){
javaVer.get('JavaHome', (err, res) => {
const jHome = res.value
if(jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbAcc === cbTracker){
} else {
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbAcc === cbTracker){
} else {
if(i === regKeys.length-1 && cbAcc === cbTracker){
* Attempts to find a valid x64 installation of Java on Windows machines.
* Possible paths will be pulled from the registry and the JAVA_HOME environment
* variable. The paths will be sorted with higher versions preceeding lower, and
* JREs preceeding JDKs. The binaries at the sorted paths will then be validated.
* The first validated is returned.
* Higher versions > Lower versions
* If versions are equal, JRE > JDK.
* @returns {string} The root path of a valid x64 Java installation. If none are
* found, null is returned.
static async _win32JavaValidate(){
// Get possible paths from the registry.
const pathSet = await AssetGuard._scanRegistry()
console.log(Array.from(pathSet)) // DEBUGGING
// Validate JAVA_HOME
const jHome = AssetGuard._scanJavaHome()
if(jHome != null && jHome.indexOf('(x86)') === -1){
// Convert path set to an array for processing.
let pathArr = Array.from(pathSet)
console.log(pathArr) // DEBUGGING
// Sorts array. Higher version numbers preceed lower. JRE preceeds JDK.
pathArr = pathArr.sort((a, b) => {
// Note that Java 9+ uses semver and that will need to be accounted for in
// the future.
const aVer = parseInt(a.split('_')[1])
const bVer = parseInt(b.split('_')[1])
if(bVer === aVer){
return a.indexOf('jdk') > -1 ? 1 : 0
} else {
return bVer - aVer
console.log(pathArr) // DEBUGGING
// Validate that the binary is actually x64.
for(let i=0; i<pathArr.length; i++) {
let res = await AssetGuard._validateJavaBinary(pathArr[i])
return pathArr[i]
// No suitable candidates found.
return null;
* WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on macOS.
static async _darwinJavaValidate(){
return null
* WIP -> get a valid x64 Java path on linux.
static async _linuxJavaValidate(){
return null
static async validate(){
return await AssetGuard['_' + process.platform + 'JavaValidate']()
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Validation Functions
// #region
* Loads the version data for a given minecraft version.
@ -586,6 +778,10 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// Asset (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public asset validation function. This function will handle the validation of assets.
* It will parse the asset index specified in the version data, analyzing each
@ -678,6 +874,11 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
// Library (Category=''') Validation Functions
// #region
* Public library validation function. This function will handle the validation of libraries.
@ -716,6 +917,11 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
// Miscellaneous (Category=files) Validation Functions
// #region
* Public miscellaneous mojang file validation function. These files will be enqueued under
* the 'files' identifier.
@ -785,6 +991,11 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
// Distribution (Category=forge) Validation Functions
// #region
* Validate the distribution.
@ -930,6 +1141,79 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
// #endregion
// Control Flow Functions
// #region
* Initiate an async download process for an AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {string} identifier The identifier of the AssetGuard DLTracker.
* @param {number} limit Optional. The number of async processes to run in parallel.
* @returns {boolean} True if the process began, otherwise false.
startAsyncProcess(identifier, limit = 5){
const self = this
let acc = 0
const concurrentDlTracker = this[identifier]
const concurrentDlQueue = concurrentDlTracker.dlqueue.slice(0)
if(concurrentDlQueue.length === 0){
return false
} else {
async.eachLimit(concurrentDlQueue, limit, function(asset, cb){
let count = 0;
mkpath.sync(path.join(asset.to, ".."))
let req = request(asset.from)
req.on('response', (resp) => {
if(resp.statusCode === 200){
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(asset.to)
writeStream.on('close', () => {
//console.log('DLResults ' + asset.size + ' ' + count + ' ', asset.size === count)
if(concurrentDlTracker.callback != null){
concurrentDlTracker.callback.apply(concurrentDlTracker, [asset])
} else {
console.log('Failed to download ' + asset.from + '. Response code', resp.statusCode)
self.progress += asset.size*1
self.emit('totaldlprogress', {acc: self.progress, total: self.totaldlsize})
req.on('data', function(chunk){
count += chunk.length
self.progress += chunk.length
acc += chunk.length
self.emit(identifier + 'dlprogress', acc)
self.emit('totaldlprogress', {acc: self.progress, total: self.totaldlsize})
}, function(err){
self.emit(identifier + 'dlerror')
console.log('An item in ' + identifier + ' failed to process');
} else {
self.emit(identifier + 'dlcomplete')
console.log('All ' + identifier + ' have been processed successfully')
self.totaldlsize -= self[identifier].dlsize
self.progress -= self[identifier].dlsize
self[identifier] = new DLTracker([], 0)
if(self.totaldlsize === 0) {
return true
* This function will initiate the download processed for the specified identifiers. If no argument is
* given, all identifiers will be initiated. Note that in order for files to be processed you need to run
@ -963,6 +1247,8 @@ class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter {
// #endregion
module.exports = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user