🌐 Make the popup overlay more generic and fixed the esc key not closing the overlay properly

This commit is contained in:
Kalitsune 2024-05-21 17:20:49 +02:00
parent 194f0365b2
commit ac8a325c37

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@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ let accountSelectContent = document.getElementById('accountSelectContent')
function overlayKeyHandler (e){
if(e.key === 'Enter' || e.key === 'Escape'){
if (overlayContainer.hasAttribute('popup')) {
} else {
@ -67,8 +71,9 @@ function bindOverlayKeys(state, content, dismissable){
* @param {boolean} toggleState True to display, false to hide.
* @param {boolean} dismissable Optional. True to show the dismiss option, otherwise false.
* @param {string} content Optional. The content div to be shown.
* @param {boolean} popup Optional. True to show the overlay as a popup that is easily dismissable and interactible.
function toggleOverlay(toggleState, dismissable = false, content = 'overlayContent'){
function toggleOverlay(toggleState, dismissable = false, content = 'overlayContent', popup = false){
if(toggleState == null){
toggleState = !document.getElementById('main').hasAttribute('overlay')
@ -80,6 +85,7 @@ function toggleOverlay(toggleState, dismissable = false, content = 'overlayConte
document.getElementById('main').setAttribute('overlay', true)
overlayContainer.setAttribute('content', content)
overlayContainer.setAttribute('popup', popup)
// Make things untabbable.
$('#main *').attr('tabindex', '-1')
@ -126,23 +132,21 @@ function toggleOverlay(toggleState, dismissable = false, content = 'overlayConte
async function toggleServerSelection(toggleState){
await prepareServerSelectionList()
toggleOverlay(toggleState, true, 'serverSelectContent')
toggleOverlay(toggleState, false, 'serverSelectContent', true)
async function toggleAccountSelection(toggleState, popup = false){
if (popup) {
// set the popup=true attribute to the accountSelectContent div and set the accountSelectActions div to display: none to avoid colliding with the validateSelectedAccount function
accountSelectContent.setAttribute('popup', 'true')
// set the accountSelectActions div to display: none to avoid colliding with the validateSelectedAccount function
document.getElementById('accountSelectActions').style.display = 'none'
} else {
// remove the popup attribute and set the accountSelectActions div to display: block, this is not done while closing the overlay because of the fadeOut effect
// set the overlayContainer div to display: block, this is not done while closing the overlay because of the fadeOut effect
document.getElementById('accountSelectActions').style.display = 'block'
// show the overlay
await prepareAccountSelectionList()
toggleOverlay(toggleState, true, 'accountSelectContent')
toggleOverlay(toggleState, false, 'accountSelectContent', popup)
@ -242,10 +246,8 @@ document.getElementById('accountSelectManage').addEventListener('click', async (
// Make the Server Selection background clickable to close the overlay.
overlayContainer.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (e.target === overlayContainer) {
// This function only works for the server selection overlay or if the account selection is a popup
if(overlayContainer.getAttribute('content') === 'serverSelectContent') {
} else if(overlayContainer.getAttribute('content') === 'accountSelectContent' && accountSelectContent.hasAttribute('popup')) {
// This function only works if the overlay is a popup
if(overlayContainer.hasAttribute('popup')) {
@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ async function setAccountListingHandlers(){
listings.map(async (val) => {
val.onclick = async e => {
// popup mode
const authAcc = ConfigManager.setSelectedAccount(val.getAttribute('uuid'))
@ -332,7 +334,7 @@ function populateAccountListings(){
const accounts = Array.from(Object.keys(accountsObj), v=>accountsObj[v])
let htmlString = ''
for(let i=0; i<accounts.length; i++){
htmlString += `<button class="accountListing" uuid="${accounts[i].uuid}" ${!i && !accountSelectContent.hasAttribute("popup") ? 'selected' : ''}>
htmlString += `<button class="accountListing" uuid="${accounts[i].uuid}" ${!i && !overlayContainer.hasAttribute("popup") ? 'selected' : ''}>
<img src="https://mc-heads.net/head/${accounts[i].uuid}/40">
<div class="accountListingName">${accounts[i].displayName}</div>