diff --git a/app/assets/js/assetdownload.js b/app/assets/js/assetdownload.js
index 7bbd8eab..7a17fe7c 100644
--- a/app/assets/js/assetdownload.js
+++ b/app/assets/js/assetdownload.js
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ const path = require('path')
 const mkpath = require('mkdirp');
 const async = require('async')
 const crypto = require('crypto')
-const library = require('./library.js')
+const Library = require('./library.js')
 const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron')
+ */
 function Asset(from, to, size, hash){
     this.from = from
     this.to = to
@@ -22,14 +26,6 @@ function AssetIndex(id, sha1, size, url, totalSize){
     this.totalSize = totalSize
-function Library(id, sha1, size, from, to){
-    this.id = id
-    this.sha1 = sha1
-    this.size = size
-    this.from = from
-    this.to = to
  * This function will download the version index data and read it into a Javascript
  * Object. This object will then be returned.
@@ -109,12 +105,12 @@ downloadLibraries = function(versionData, basePath){
     //Check validity of each library. If the hashs don't match, download the library.
     libArr.forEach(function(lib, index){
-        if(library.validateRules(lib.rules)){
+        if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules)){
             let artifact = null
             if(lib.natives == null){
                 artifact = lib.downloads.artifact
             } else {
-                artifact = lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[library.mojangFriendlyOS()]]
+                artifact = lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()]]
             const libItm = new Library(lib.name, artifact.sha1, artifact.size, artifact.url, path.join(libPath, artifact.path))
             if(!validateLocalIntegrity(libItm.to, 'sha1', libItm.sha1)){
diff --git a/app/assets/js/assetguard.js b/app/assets/js/assetguard.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3a9f31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/js/assetguard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* Requirements */
+const fs = require('fs')
+const request = require('request')
+const path = require('path')
+const mkpath = require('mkdirp');
+const async = require('async')
+const crypto = require('crypto')
+const EventEmitter = require('events');
+const {remote} = require('electron')
+/* Classes */
+class Asset{
+    constructor(id, hash, size, from, to){
+        this.id = id
+        this.hash = hash
+        this.size = size
+        this.from = from
+        this.to = to
+    }
+class Library extends Asset{
+    static mojangFriendlyOS(){
+        const opSys = process.platform
+        if (opSys === 'darwin') {
+            return 'osx';
+        } else if (opSys === 'win32'){
+            return 'windows';
+        } else if (opSys === 'linux'){
+            return 'linux';
+        } else {
+            return 'unknown_os';
+        }
+    }
+    static validateRules(rules){
+        if(rules == null) return true
+        let result = true
+        rules.forEach(function(rule){
+            const action = rule['action']
+            const osProp = rule['os']
+            if(action != null){
+                if(osProp != null){
+                    const osName = osProp['name']
+                    const osMoj = Library.mojangFriendlyOS()
+                    if(action === 'allow'){
+                        result = osName === osMoj
+                        return
+                    } else if(action === 'disallow'){
+                        result = osName !== osMoj
+                        return
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        })
+        return result
+    }
+class DLTracker {
+    constructor(dlqueue, dlsize){
+        this.dlqueue = dlqueue
+        this.dlsize = dlsize
+    }
+class AssetGuard extends EventEmitter{
+    constructor(){
+        super()
+        this.totaldlsize = 0;
+        this.progress = 0;
+        this.assets = new DLTracker([], 0)
+        this.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0)
+        this.files = new DLTracker([], 0)
+    }
+//Instance of AssetGuard
+const instance = new AssetGuard()
+/* Utility Functions */
+validateLocal = function(filePath, algo, hash){
+    if(fs.existsSync(filePath)){
+        let fileName = path.basename(filePath)
+        let shasum = crypto.createHash(algo)
+        let content = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
+        shasum.update(content)
+        let calcdhash = shasum.digest('hex')
+        return calcdhash === hash
+    }
+    return false;
+/* Validation Functions */
+ * Load version asset index.
+ */
+loadVersionData = function(version, basePath, force = false){
+    return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){
+        const name = version + '.json'
+        const url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/' + version + '/' + name
+        const versionPath = path.join(basePath, 'versions', version)
+        const versionFile = path.join(versionPath, name)
+        if(!fs.existsSync(versionFile) || force){
+            //This download will never be tracked as it's essential and trivial.
+            request.head(url, function(err, res, body){
+                console.log('Preparing download of ' + version + ' assets.')
+                mkpath.sync(versionPath)
+                const stream = request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(versionFile))
+                stream.on('finish', function(){
+                    fulfill(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile)))
+                })
+            })
+        } else {
+            fulfill(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile)))
+        }
+    })
+ * Public asset validation method.
+ */
+validateAssets = function(versionData, basePath, force = false){
+    return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){
+        assetChainIndexData(versionData, basePath, force).then(() => {
+            fulfill()
+        })
+    })
+//Chain the asset tasks to provide full async. The below functions are private.
+assetChainIndexData = function(versionData, basePath, force = false){
+    return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){
+        //Asset index constants.
+        const assetIndex = versionData.assetIndex
+        const name = assetIndex.id + '.json'
+        const indexPath = path.join(basePath, 'assets', 'indexes')
+        const assetIndexLoc = path.join(indexPath, name)
+        let data = null
+        if(!fs.existsSync(assetIndexLoc) || force){
+            console.log('Downloading ' + versionData.id + ' asset index.')
+            mkpath.sync(indexPath)
+            const stream = request(assetIndex.url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(assetIndexLoc))
+            stream.on('finish', function() {
+                data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
+                assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, basePath, data).then(() => {
+                    fulfill()
+                })
+            })
+        } else {
+            data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(assetIndexLoc, 'utf-8'))
+            assetChainValidateAssets(versionData, basePath, data).then(() => {
+                fulfill()
+            })
+        }
+    })
+assetChainValidateAssets = function(versionData, basePath, indexData){
+    return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){
+        //Asset constants
+        const resourceURL = 'http://resources.download.minecraft.net/'
+        const localPath = path.join(basePath, 'assets')
+        const indexPath = path.join(localPath, 'indexes')
+        const objectPath = path.join(localPath, 'objects')
+        const assetDlQueue = []
+        let dlSize = 0;
+        //const objKeys = Object.keys(data.objects)
+        async.forEachOfLimit(indexData.objects, 10, function(value, key, cb){
+            const hash = value.hash
+            const assetName = path.join(hash.substring(0, 2), hash)
+            const urlName = hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash
+            const ast = new Asset(key, hash, String(value.size), resourceURL + urlName, path.join(objectPath, assetName))
+            if(!validateLocal(ast.to, 'sha1', ast.hash)){
+                dlSize += (ast.size*1)
+                assetDlQueue.push(ast)
+            }
+            cb()
+        }, function(err){
+            instance.assets = new DLTracker(assetDlQueue, dlSize)
+            instance.totaldlsize += dlSize
+            fulfill()
+        })
+    })
+ * Public library validation method.
+ */
+validateLibraries = function(versionData, basePath){
+    return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject){
+        const libArr = versionData.libraries
+        const libPath = path.join(basePath, 'libraries')
+        const libDlQueue = []
+        let dlSize = 0
+        //Check validity of each library. If the hashs don't match, download the library.
+        async.eachLimit(libArr, 5, function(lib, cb){
+            if(Library.validateRules(lib.rules)){
+                let artifact = (lib.natives == null) ? lib.downloads.artifact : lib.downloads.classifiers[lib.natives[Library.mojangFriendlyOS()]]
+                const libItm = new Library(lib.name, artifact.sha1, artifact.size, artifact.url, path.join(libPath, artifact.path))
+                if(!validateLocal(libItm.to, 'sha1', libItm.hash)){
+                    dlSize += (libItm.size*1)
+                    libDlQueue.push(libItm)
+                }
+            }
+            cb()
+        }, function(err){
+            instance.libraries = new DLTracker(libDlQueue, dlSize)
+            instance.totaldlsize += dlSize
+            fulfill()
+        })
+    })
+runQueue = function(){
+    this.progress = 0;
+    let win = remote.getCurrentWindow()
+    //Start asset download
+    let assetacc = 0;
+    const concurrentAssetDlQueue = instance.assets.dlqueue.slice(0)
+    async.eachLimit(concurrentAssetDlQueue, 20, function(asset, cb){
+        mkpath.sync(path.join(asset.to, ".."))
+        let req = request(asset.from)
+        let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(asset.to)
+        req.pipe(writeStream)
+        req.on('data', function(chunk){
+            instance.progress += chunk.length
+            assetacc += chunk.length
+            instance.emit('assetdata', assetacc)
+            console.log('Asset Progress', assetacc/instance.assets.dlsize)
+            win.setProgressBar(instance.progress/instance.totaldlsize)
+            //console.log('Total Progress', instance.progress/instance.totaldlsize)
+        })
+        writeStream.on('close', cb)
+    }, function(err){
+        if(err){
+            instance.emit('asseterr')
+            console.log('An asset failed to process');
+        } else {
+            instance.emit('assetdone')
+            console.log('All assets have been processed successfully')
+        }
+        instance.totaldlsize -= instance.assets.dlsize
+        instance.assets = new DLTracker([], 0)
+        win.setProgressBar(-1)
+    })
+    //Start library download
+    let libacc = 0
+    const concurrentLibraryDlQueue = instance.libraries.dlqueue.slice(0)
+    async.eachLimit(concurrentLibraryDlQueue, 1, function(lib, cb){
+        mkpath.sync(path.join(lib.to, '..'))
+        let req = request(lib.from)
+        let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(lib.to)
+        req.pipe(writeStream)
+        req.on('data', function(chunk){
+            instance.progress += chunk.length
+            libacc += chunk.length
+            instance.emit('librarydata', libacc)
+            console.log('Library Progress', libacc/instance.libraries.dlsize)
+            win.setProgressBar(instance.progress/instance.totaldlsize)
+        })
+        writeStream.on('close', cb)
+    }, function(err){
+        if(err){
+            instance.emit('libraryerr')
+            console.log('A library failed to process');
+        } else {
+            instance.emit('librarydone')
+            console.log('All libraries have been processed successfully');
+        }
+        instance.totaldlsize -= instance.libraries.dlsize
+        instance.libraries = new DLTracker([], 0)
+        win.setProgressBar(-1)
+    })
+module.exports = {
+    loadVersionData,
+    validateAssets,
+    validateLibraries,
+    runQueue,
+    instance
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/js/library.js b/app/assets/js/library.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a58f5b..00000000
--- a/app/assets/js/library.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-exports.mojangFriendlyOS = function(){
-    const opSys = process.platform
-    if (opSys === 'darwin') {
-        return 'osx';
-    } else if (opSys === 'win32'){
-        return 'windows';
-    } else if (opSys === 'linux'){
-        return 'linux';
-    } else {
-        return 'unknown_os';
-    }
-exports.validateRules = function(rules){
-    if(rules == null) return true
-    let result = true
-    rules.forEach(function(rule){
-        const action = rule['action']
-        const osProp = rule['os']
-        if(action != null){
-            if(osProp != null){
-                 const osName = osProp['name']
-                 const osMoj = exports.mojangFriendlyOS()
-                 if(action === 'allow'){
-                     result = osName === osMoj
-                     return
-                 } else if(action === 'disallow'){
-                     result = osName !== osMoj
-                     return
-                 }
-            }
-        }
-    })
-    return result
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/js/script.js b/app/assets/js/script.js
index 085bfa8e..80b375d9 100644
--- a/app/assets/js/script.js
+++ b/app/assets/js/script.js
@@ -1,13 +1,26 @@
 var $ = require('jQuery');
 const remote = require('electron').remote
 const shell = require('electron').shell
+const path = require('path')
 /* Open web links in the user's default browser. */
 $(document).on('click', 'a[href^="http"]', function(event) {
-    shell.openExternal(this.href);
+    //testdownloads()
+    shell.openExternal(this.href)
+testdownloads = async function(){
+    const ag = require(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'js', 'assetguard.js'))
+    const basePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'mcfiles')
+    let versionData = await ag.loadVersionData('1.11.2', basePath)
+    await ag.validateAssets(versionData, basePath)
+    console.log('assets done')
+    await ag.validateLibraries(versionData, basePath)
+    console.log('libs done')
+    ag.runQueue()
 /*Opens DevTools window if you type "wcdev" in sequence.
   This will crash the program if you are using multiple
   DevTools, for example the chrome debugger in VS Code. */
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 4e862438..eca68cce 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -17,19 +17,6 @@ function createWindow() {
-    /*//Code for testing, marked for removal one it's properly implemented.
-    const assetdl = require('./app/assets/js/assetdownload.js')
-    const basePath = path.join(__dirname, 'mcfiles')
-    const dataPromise = assetdl.parseVersionData('1.11.2', basePath)
-    dataPromise.then(function(data){
-        assetdl.downloadAssets(data, basePath)
-        //assetdl.downloadAssets(data, basePath)
-        //assetdl.downloadClient(data, basePath)
-        //assetdl.downloadLogConfig(data, basePath)
-        //assetdl.downloadLibraries(data, basePath)
-        //require('./app/assets/js/launchprocess.js').launchMinecraft(data, basePath)
-    })*/
     win.on('closed', () => {
         win = null