package fi.flexplex.connect; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import; import fi.flexplex.connect.util.FileChangeListener; public final class FlexConnect extends JavaPlugin { private final Set proxyAddresses = new HashSet<>(); private String token = ""; private FlexPlexGraphQLApi flexPlexGraphQLApi; public String getToken() { return this.token; } public FlexPlexGraphQLApi getFlexPlexGraphQLApi() { return this.flexPlexGraphQLApi; } public Set getProxyAddresses() { return this.proxyAddresses; } @Override public void onEnable() { // Plugin own configs this.saveDefaultConfig(); this.token = this.getConfig().getString("token"); if (this.token.equals("default")) { this.getLogger().warning("Token for FlexPlex server network has not been set into plugins config file. Please request token from FlexPlex staff members if you don't already have one!"); } // GraphQL Api this.flexPlexGraphQLApi = new FlexPlexGraphQLApi(this, ""); boolean configsModified = false; // Check online mode if (this.getServer().getOnlineMode()) { final Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(new FileInputStream("")); properties.setProperty("online-mode", "false"); FileOutputStream(""), null); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.getLogger().warning("Automatic changes has been made to file."); configsModified = true; } // Check spigot config boolean spigotConfigModified = false; final YamlConfiguration spigotConfig = this.getServer().spigot().getSpigotConfig(); if (!spigotConfig.getBoolean("settings.bungeecord")) { spigotConfig.set("settings.bungeecord", true); spigotConfigModified = true; } if (spigotConfigModified) { try {"spigot.yml"); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.getLogger().warning("Automatic changes has been made to spigot.yml config file."); configsModified = true; } // Actions if configs were modified if (configsModified) { this.getLogger().warning("Changes has been made to config files. Server will now shutdown automatically."); this.getServer().shutdown(); return; } // Register listener this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new FlexConnectListener(this), this); // Register file change listener new FileChangeListener(this, "ops.json", "whitelist.json"); // Update whitelists for flexplex api this.flexPlexGraphQLApi.updateWhitelist(); // Load real FlexPlex proxy addresses from FlexPlex API this.proxyAddresses.addAll(this.flexPlexGraphQLApi.getProxyAddresses()); // Load allowed proxy addresses from config this.proxyAddresses.addAll(this.getConfig().getStringList("allowedProxies")); } }